Construction of the mausoleum of Keyki of the batyr in Kostanay Region began

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Construction of the mausoleum of Keyki of the batyr in the Kostanay region began
On the torgaysky earth began

construction of the mausoleum Keyk_ of the batyr. This news was broadcast by participants of expedition starting couple of days ago "In the wake of ancestors". Travelers and the local museum where recently after reconstruction transferred a skull of the man living still during a Sarmatian era visited, Habar 24.<"6>"


From Astana to Arkalyk nearly 550 kilometers. First of all members of expedition went to the small homeland legendary paluana Kazhymukana Munaytpasova where quite recently established a monument to the unbeaten fellow countryman. From here expedition will go to torgaysky steppes - a history cradle. On this earth Ybyray Altynsarin, the leader of national liberating revolt Amangeld_ Imanov, his colleague Alibi Dzhangildin were born. Their works carefully store in the local museum of history of steppes. Having got here, at once you are dipped into the atmosphere of last years. Here original guns of participants of that revolt are collected. Portrait Amangeld і, written by Kasteev Abilkhan. And kebezhe - a wooden chest from the house Keyk_ of the batyr. The small museum - a well of invaluable exhibits.

Batyrlan Sagyntayev, employee of the museum:

- This chain armor, it still designate k_reuke, belonged to Sara's known batyr osharu. It was as a part of Kenesara's armies of the khan. In gift to the museum it was presented by Zhanbyrshy Zhangabylov. For us it is very valuable exhibit.

last year after serious negotiations on the historical homeland managed to return the head of Keyk_ of the batyr - the hero of revolt of 1916 killed by Bolsheviks in 1923. And here one more good news: on a place of burial of the batyr there will be a big mausoleum. The film crew of Habar 24 TV channel as a part of expedition imprinted the first day of grandiose construction. It will come to the end this fall.

Amantay Balgarin, Akim of Arkalyk:

- Prepared the special project. Let's create all conditions for visits of tourists and locals, descendants of the batyr. Let's construct all infrastructure, access roads. Even the autoparking here is provided.

Archeologists tell

, in Kostanay Region there are a lot of interesting finds. Literally last year in the territory of the Amangeldinsky area the skull of the man living during an era of Sarmatians was found. After reconstruction its image managed to be restored. Find donated the local museum.

of Akan Ongarula, the head of Plaited White Bread  azynasy research institute of the National museum Rk:<"19>"

- during excavation near remains we found this earring, a clay jug. On equipment of production of finds, constructions of a barrow and on the burial, we drew a conclusion that this person lived in the second centuries B.C.

By the way, in Arkalyk for participants of expedition specially organized a meeting with students of teacher's college. There are a lot of the people who are interested in history of the native land. The scientific purpose of travelers consists in it also. Today they went again "in the wake of ancestors".

of the Photo:

Amantay Balgarin
Last position: Akim (City akimat Arkalyk)
Kasteev Abilkhan