The biathlonist from Udmurt Republic Cherezov Yvan made a speech at debate of participants of a straw vote

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the Prize-winner of the Olympic Games, the world champion together with colleagues discussed questions of development of physical culture, sports and realization of youth policy.

Izhevsk. Udmurt Republic. The biathlonist from Udmurt Republic Cherezov Yvan made a speech at debate of participants of a straw vote. The prize-winner of the Olympic Games, the world champion together with colleagues discussed questions of development of physical culture, sports and realization of youth policy.

In discussion also took part:

Pikolenkova Angelica, personnel manager, JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "IES".

Kunakbaev Aleksey, chief of sector of sports and youth policy, DEPARTMENT FOR CULTURE, SPORTS AND YOUTH POLICY ADMINISTRATION MO "VOTKINSK DISTRICT".

Yelkina Nadezhda, chief of DEPARTMENT FOR CULTURE, sports and youth policy, Administration of the municipal entity Votkinsk district.

Andreev Benjamin, chairman of the board of deputies, KIZNERSKY DISTRICT COUNCIL OF DEPUTIES.

Kvakina Natalia, director, municipal autonomous authority "Garden of a name of P. I. Tchaikovsky" cities Votkinsk.

Rassomakhina Valentina, director, unitsipalny autonomous cultural institution "Kiznersky Center of Art and Crafts".

Cherezov Yvan paid attention gathered that sports can render important positive influence on life of the young man. He knows it from own experience.

"Was lucky me that I started playing sports, and to me there was a relation, as to the athlete. I was protected from such things as alcohol and smoking, from that than were engaged my many contemporaries. In this plan sports rescued me", - the world champion told.

He also noted that now a lot of things become for those who wants to play sports. In particular, cycle paths, veloprokaty, sports grounds are under construction.

"I think that people are ready to take care of the own life and the health. Only it is necessary to give the chance, push in this plan, to create conditions. Now time when many prefer to be engaged in health instead of to visit bars and other similar institutions. Sports it is fashionable", - Cherezov Yvan told.

Other participants of debate noted importance of sports in education of youth, its derivation from any negative occupations.

we Will add

that it is possible to watch debate online, having passed to a site "Schoolmates" and "Straw vote".

Yvan Cherezov
Pikolenkova Angelica
Kunakbaev Aleksey
Yelkina Nadezhda
Andreev Benjamin