After Recep Erdogan: the president Poland too wants a referendum under the Constitution

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the President Poland Andrzej Duda urged Poles to reflect on the constitutional reform. He declared it during performance on a case of a national holiday On the Third of May, established in honor of acceptance on May 3, 1791 to the first Polish Constitution. Andrzej Duda reminded that now Poles live according to the Basic law approved in 1997. "In my opinion, as president, my fellow citizens have the right to express the opinion: whether the Constitution Poland in a current of these of 20 years well works, whether Poles are satisfied with model of a state system or changes are required, whether Poles and Poland deserve the new Constitution. — emphasized Andrzej Duda. — Following 2018, it is year of the 100 anniversary of restoration of independence of the Republic Poland, the people have to tell what he sees the president of the country what the Senate and Diet role, what rights of citizens and freedom have to be strengthened".

Exactly a year ago start of full-scale state reform the president of ruling "Law and Justice" Party already announced (PiS) Jaroslaw Alexander Kachinsky. "Next year 20 years from the date of adoption of the Constitution are executed, I think that this good time to start work on the new Constitution" — was declared by Jaroslaw Alexander Kachinsky during performance in Diet at party meeting on the occasion of Day of national flag and explained that considers option of holding a referendum concerning adoption of the Basic law. However now for politicians "The right and Justice" the initiative of their member of the same party, the president Poland, appeared a surprise. The chief of staff of the prime minister Victor Elzbieta hastened to tell that the idea of holding a referendum is PiS child. However the Deputy Prime Minister Jaroslaw Alexander Kachinsky Govin declared that all this is a personal initiative of the president. "As far as I know, with any of governmental and imperious circles of consultations it was not conducted" — Govin added. Beata Maria Shidlo Mazurek who has noted separated from Andrzej Duda and the press secretary "The right and Justice" that at all respect for "an initiative of the president" she "demands judgment and examination, about what changes there is a speech".

This good remark as the president did not decipher Poland Tyshka representing young political force made, the movement Kukiz' 15. According to Tyshki, apparently, it is all about the conflict between Andrzej Duda and the Minister of Defence Poland Antony Macherevich who came recently to a surface. Public scandal was caused by publication of that fact that the Minister of Defence in anything does not put the president, refusing even to react to letters of Andrzej Duda. Though article 134 of the Constitution says that "the president of the Republic is the Supreme Commander Armed forces Poland. In a peace time the president of the Republic carries out supremacy over Armed forces through the minister of national defense".

the Question that is cornerstone of the developed situation — the conflict at personal level or institutional flaws of the Polish Basic law. For today in Poland there was a unique situation, the state the person who is not neither the prime minister, nor the president of the country rules. Jaroslaw Alexander Kachinsky — formally ordinary deputy of Diet. But as the head of ruling party he defines what will be staff of the government and other structures, and solves, what course in domestic and foreign policy the country has to follow. It led to that in Poland there were two centers of the power. One represented by the lawful institutes working in a legal framework, as far as possible open for the public and the mass media, limited in the powers legal acts.

Another is on the Warsaw Novogrodzkaya Street, the house 84/86 where the headquarters "The right and Justice" is placed. Here ministers and deputies seek to get to meet Jaroslaw Alexander Kachinsky. And the one who the last manages to reach "an ear of the president", has every chance to push the version of the solution of this or that problem, and without any excess publicity, discussions and importunate attention of mass media. Existence of the "alternative" center of the power will disorganize cabinet work as the dissatisfied minister always has a chance to achieve cancellation of decision already coordinated and approved by the government. And, of course, all this pleases the president Poland a little who and without that is limited by the Constitution in the rights.

the Public statement about need of holding a referendum according to the Basic law to which extensive public discussion has to precede, allows Andrzej Duda to remind of itself. What in this situation Jaroslaw Alexander Kachinsky will do? The leader of the party, of course, can remove sharpness of a problem, having given command to dismiss the Minister of Defence especially as he aloud criticized it recently. Antony Macherevich has the biggest among the Polish politicians an anti-rating, it causes antipathy in the prime minister Beata Maria Shidlo. However behind the Minister of Defence there is the elite support group, one of her members — the owner of influential media group, the Catholic priest father Tadeush Rydzik.

He gave

and gives media support of PiS, but will be hardly glad to lose such serious ally as the Minister of Defence, and the party cannot refuse services of the father Tadeush as still works in hostile information environment. At the same time, "The right and Justice" is not ready to afford uncontrollable campaign for preparation for the constitutional referendum. After all it is capable to be transformed to discussion of a question of trust of ruling party. PiS is not sure that it will win.

Most likely, as a result Jaroslaw Alexander Kachinsky and Andrzej Duda will come to a certain compromise. Matter in conditions. As Poland, on Monday was reported on the official site of the president, April 24 at the initiative of the Turkish side telephone conversation between President of Turkey Recep Erdogan and Andrzej Duda took place. And further: "Recep Erdogan told the president to Andrzej Duda about a course and results of the constitutional referendum to Turkey and the subsequent steps connected with reform of the state. The president Poland became one of the few world leaders to whom the president Recep Erdogan contacted on this matter recently. Politicians discussed a question of the international reaction to a referendum. The president Andrzej Duda emphasized in this context importance of restoration of trust and dialogue between the European countries to provide mutual respect and safety".

President of Turkey, having won the referendum a narrow majority, could expand own powers. Who knows, whether the Polish president consulted to it before urged to hold a referendum under the Constitution in Poland? Let's look.

Recep Erdogan
Last position: President of the Republic of Turkey (President of Turkey)
Beata Maria Shidlo
Last position: Deputy Right and Justice party leader ("Law and Justice")
Beata Mazurek
Last position: Deputy
Elzbieta Barbara Victor
Last position: Marshal (Diet of Republic of Poland)
Jaroslaw Alexander Kachinsky
Last position: Chairman ("Law and Justice")
"Law and Justice"
Political ideology:National conservatism, social conservatism, panjevropeizm, economic nationalism.