The dismissed officials prevented to hold meeting of the Board of trustees of Fund of overhaul

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The dismissed officials prevented to hold meeting of the Board of trustees of Fund of overhaul

Meanwhile, assure us that affairs at Regional fund of assistance to overhaul of apartment houses Yaroslavl region go on a harmony.

the Meeting appointed to May 4, did not take place for one simple reason: the majority of 11 members of the Board of trustees to it did not come. And for quorum two thirds are necessary.

Matter not only in employment, but also in dismissals of officials.

– dismissed Recently three members of the Board of trustees entering it on a positions, – the chairman of the Board of trustees, the vice-chairman tells Regional Duma of Yaroslavl Volonchunas Victor. – This is the director Department of property and land relations Yaroslavl region Kuskov Vladimir, the deputy director Department of Territorial Development of the Yaroslavl region Davydov Maxime, the deputy director DEPARTMENT HOUSING-AND-MUNICIPAL COMPLEX YAROSLAVL OBLAST Kuznetsova Tatyana. According to the Fund charter, they need to be replaced officially, having appointed new people. I do not think that it will take a lot of time. So we simply will for a while transfer meeting.

At the same time Volonchunas Victor noted


It is not terrible. The main thing that serious work is done and work in Fund went.

of his word of online-resource "Yarnovosti" were explained by the deputy. directors of Regional fund of assistance to capital repairs of apartment houses Leshchenko Valery.

– carried out Today all competitive procedures, all contracts on performance of capital repairs of apartment houses in the territory Yaroslavl region are signed practically, – he speaks. – By 60 types of works contracts will be signed in the first decade of June is the rest from 825 types of the works planned this year. Under the signed contracts contractors come to objects, on 80 from them works are already conducted. After May holidays the exit to objects will be accelerated. As for 60 types of works by which contracts will be signed later, they concern the objects of a cultural heritage located in the territory of the region. Therefore there were certain difficulties. We overcame them, but the imprisonment term of contracts moved.

of Inhabitants Yaroslavl, by words Volonchunas Victor and Leshchenko Valery, wait an innovation which was discussed today and at the mayor Vladimir Sleptsov. On each house where overhaul is conducted, will place notices with information on works who is their customer, the winner of competition and the contractor who exercises technical supervision have to be carried out to what terms. Certainly, with addresses and phones. On notices are going to place and apologies before inhabitants for inconveniences caused by overhaul.