To block a way Marine Le Pen
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Candidate for president of France Emmanuel Makron © AP Photo, Michel Euler

We interrogated several voters of the candidate from movement "Forward! " in some days after he bypassed all in the first round of elections.

Charles, the research associate, 49 years (Region of Burgundy)

— Why you voted for Emanuel Makron?

— It the most liberal of all candidates.

— you were sure by

of the choice?

— No, hesitated and thought not to vote at all.

— That you wait for

— That it will keep the promises.

— you are ready to vote for the candidate from "Forward! " at parliamentary elections?

— Yes.

— For whom you voted in 2012?

— For Francois Hollande.

— As you now feel


— it is normal.

Marill, the consultant, 24 years (Paris)

— Why you voted for Emanuel Makron?

— It adheres to a centrist position, its offer to me mostly are pleasant though I and have doubts into the account of their financing: it did not make while any specifications concerning plans for reducing government spending for 60 billions. Also it is young and charismatic.

— you were sure by

of the choice?

— as a whole and.

— That you wait for

in case of its election?

— That it will execute the most part of the reforms planned in its program (I mostly agree with them).

— you are ready to vote for the candidate from "Forward! " at parliamentary elections?

— Yes, but it depends on the specific person (if the specific candidate is unpleasant to me, I can vote for another).

— For whom you voted in 2012?

— For Francois Hollande.

— As you now feel


— it is quite good, weather good, I on holiday before the end of the week. To complain there is nothing. To tell the truth, positions Emanuel Makron in relation to Marine Le Pen promote good mood.

of André, the former commercial director, 74 years (Provence)

— Why you voted for Emanuel Makron?

— it has the best economic program among favourites.

— you were sure by

of the choice?

— No, at me long time were fluctuations about Francois Sharl Arman Fiyon.

— That you wait for

in case of its election?

— That it will keep the promises.

— you are ready to vote for the candidate from "Forward! " at parliamentary elections?

— Yes, provided that its program coincides with the program Emanuel Makron.

— For whom you voted in 2012?

— For Sarkozy.

— As you now feel


— All in doubts.

Pierre - Emanuel Makron, the businessman, 30 years (Region of Reunion)

— Why you voted for Emanuel Makron?

— I adhere to liberal economic views, and at the beginning of campaign long hesitated between Francois Sharl Arman Fiyon and Emanuel Makron. I watched closely campaign because the thought of updating of a political class and the young president was pleasant to me. I already favored Emanuel Makron when scandal with the spouse Francois Sharl Arman Fiyon finally defined my choice.

— you were sure by

of the choice?

— I completely was confident by

in it.

— That you wait for

in case of its election?

— I wait for

that it realized the program. For this reason I also voted for it.

— you are ready to vote for the candidate from "Forward! " at parliamentary elections?

— I will vote for "Republicans" or "Forward! ", though, probably, nevertheless support "Forward! ", to give it every chance on the parliamentary majority.

— For whom you voted in 2012?

— I voted for Sarkozy in both rounds. I felt, what tragedy Francois Hollande can turn back, and was not mistaken.

— As you now feel


— I feel sense of relief of that Zhan-Lyuk Melanshon left fight. Besides, I am very impressed with that Emanuel Makron passed in the second round though started from scratch a year ago.

Alice, the teacher (Nantes)

— Why you voted for Emanuel Makron?

— Usually I vote for Socialist party, but I did not see myself in Amon's program. I did not want to vote for the eurosceptic … Therefore my choice was very limited! Anyway, I all the same as a whole support its program, in particular its offers by training, and also unifications of pension system. Its experience in the private sector as it seems to me, too is of interest. I work the whole day together with civil servants, and it seems to me, their views can be insufficiently open and objective.

— you were sure by

of the choice?

— I long time hesitated between it and Zhan-Lyuk Melanshon …. But I was pushed away by its euroscepticism.

— That you wait for

in case of its election?

— Perhaps it is a utopia, but … Deviation from the section on right and left, modernizations of institutes, return to bases in education.

— you are ready to vote for the candidate from "Forward! " at parliamentary elections?

— Yes, to strengthen his mandate.

— For whom you voted in 2012?

— I voted for Francois Hollande and Socialist party … but this year on primaries I supported Montebur.

— As you now feel


— I am alarmed by

, as concerning the second round, and parliamentary elections. To me it is hardly believed that he will receive the comfortable majority.

Benzhamen, the Internet businessman, 27 years (London)

— Why you voted for Emanuel Makron?

— I voted for Emanuel Makron because I like its program. I would prefer Francois Sharl Arman Fiyon, but that was very strongly set up …


by — you were sure of the choice?

— I was not too sure by

. But it is necessary to vote. I chose the smaller evil. Besides, I very much was afraid that there will pass this abnormal Zhan-Lyuk Melanshon.

— That you wait for

in case of its election?

— At all I do not know

. I live in London. Probably, I would be pleased by social security reform.

— you are ready to vote for the candidate from "Forward! " at parliamentary elections?

— While without concept. I not especially keep up with policy.

— For whom you voted in 2012?

— In 2012 I did not vote.

— As you now feel


— I vote for the first time in life and is happy that my horse came the first. Though I all the same especially risk nothing because I live to United Kingdom. I am excited more by Breksit.

Anna, the director of Internet projects, 30 years (Lyon)

— Why you voted for Emanuel Makron?

— its program not strongly differs from my own belief and values, and to it there is a trust (about Francois Sharl Arman Fiyon at me were doubts). I did not begin to vote for Francois Sharl Arman Fiyon because did not believe that it could realize the program. As a result I stopped on Emanuel Makron, having closed eyes on the moments some confusing me because it is young and ambitious, its economic program seems to me viable (I think, today this most important for France), and the program in ecology and power — only among all 11 candidates with which I agree. It is young, but it does not seem to me that it is a shortcoming. I think, our political class needs updating. I have a vote here 12 years, and on each elections I constantly see the same faces. That is, the real choice is not present. I hope that Emanuel Makron will be on the ball and will be able to change a situation, instead of becomes the second Francois Hollande.

— you were sure by

of the choice?

— I voted for Emanuel Makron after long weeks and even months of fluctuations apropos Francois Sharl Arman Fiyon …. Final decision I made for an hour before going to vote. Therefore I cannot tell that this decision relies on belief, confidence and belief. It is a rational choice because it seems to me "to the least bad" among all candidates.

as a whole, logically, to me should lower the empty bulletin. But time such option is not considered, I had to choose the candidate.

— That you wait for

in case of its election?

— That it will follow the program (that was not earlier). That he will adhere to the planned course and will not give voters unpleasant surprises (in particular to me the law HADOPI is remembered at Sarkozy). That it will keep the head on shoulders in a country government, will carry out necessary reforms, will go in for international policy and will take care of ecology.

— you are ready to vote for the candidate from "Forward! " at parliamentary elections?

— it is possible, but everything will depend on the candidate and his offers. I not from those who vote blindly on only one party accessory.

— For whom you voted in 2012?

— For Sarkozy. Reluctantly. It was "useful" vote against Francois Hollande.

— As you now feel


— Disappointed. The policy tired me. Kindergarten debate where all are thrown by charges … Anybody any more does not speak about an essence of programs. The form matters only. Or private life. Or small affairs of all candidates. Their project of the future France does not interest anybody, perhaps, even their. I went to vote to fulfill a civic duty, but at me still never was such unwillingness of it to do. Really I did not like any candidate. And it is very sad for the country. We are compelled to vote for smaller of the evils …

Paule Anri, the producer, 35 years (Paris)

— Why you voted for Emanuel Makron?

— as a whole, I supported Amon's project. Then against its low ratings in April I decided to vote for Zhan-Lyuk Melanshon: I wanted that in the second round there passed at least one real left figure. After act of terrorism last Thursday I was afraid of lifting of popularity Marine Le Pen and Francois Sharl Arman Fiyon. Then I once again changed plans not to allow these two to meet in the second round.

— you were sure by

of the choice?

— At all is not present! To tell the truth, if we had no polls, it would be easier for me: I would vote for Amon summarily and calculations. I am sorry that I voted for fear before right, instead of from own belief.

— That you wait for

in case of its election?

— That it will cope with work! I am not convinced not so that within its powers to operate the country. I will be glad to be mistaken.

— you are ready to vote for the candidate from "Forward! " at parliamentary elections?

— Here I will be much more exacting: I will vote for the deputy who in the best way corresponds to what I want for my district, instead of for the sake of blind support Emanuel Makron.

— For whom you voted in 2012?

— For Zholi Eve in the first round, and for Francois Hollande in the second.

— As you now feel


— Still I worry because business is not made yet. Besides, I was tired. And until the end of all this electoral process there are two more months!

of Claire, the pensioner, 67 years (Region of Ile-de-France)

— Why you voted for Emanuel Makron?

— I voted for Emanuel Makron because was afraid of duel Marine Le Pen and Francois Sharl Arman Fiyon. Marine Le Pen, certainly, simply cannot be passed, as, however, and Francois Sharl Arman Fiyon, and not only because of scandals.

— you were sure by

of the choice?

— No, not too. I was going to vote for Amon, and my fears did not come true in this connection I am angry on myself.

— That you wait for

in case of its election?

— That it will take

into account of a voice of those who do not agree with its program, but will support him not to pass Marine Le Pen. In other words that it will not arrive, as Zhak Renee Shirak in due time.

— you are ready to vote for the candidate from "Forward! " at parliamentary elections?

— it is difficult to

to tell br while to us did not submit the list of candidates. If against "Forward! " there will be a candidate socialist, I will vote for the socialist or the communist. If against right there is only a candidate from "Forward! ", I will vote for it.

— For whom you voted in 2012?

— In 2012 I voted for Francois Hollande.

— As you now feel


— it is bad. To me it is restless in the run-up to parliamentary elections against Socialist party crisis. I am afraid that the majority in "Forward! " there will be too right, and a part of the program Emanuel Makron to me not to liking. As a whole, I am going to lower the empty bulletin in the second round. I will not give carte blanche to Emanuel Makron. He will win without problems, but already without my voice.

Francoisa, the state employee, 60 years (the suburb Paris)

— Why you voted for Emanuel Makron?

— Benot Amon threw the majority of candidates for primaries of socialists, despite the promise to conform to the rules of this action. In the same way began to behave and leaders of Socialist party. All this caused in me fears about that in the second round will meet Marine Le Pen and Francois Sharl Arman Fiyon. In such prospect I could not vote for anybody from them: Francois Sharl Arman Fiyon seems to me almost same dangerous as Marine Le Pen, and both of them are inveterate swindlers!

the Program Benot Amon was to me to liking most much the others, and it is a pity to me that Francois Hollande began to tighten business, and that Vals Manoel, as usual, relied on the favourite. I am sorry that left too often renounced the principles for the last five years, and that Benot Amon with the other discordant did not have enough courage to arrive the same as Zhan-Lyuk Melanshon. Nevertheless Zhan-Lyuk Melanshon seems to me dangerous because any populism poses threat, even in case goes from left (look at Italy yesterday and today … or to Venezuela! ) .

— you were sure by

of the choice?

— Time at Benot Amon it was not obvious chances to pass in the second round, to me did not remain anything, except how to limit "damage", that is to vote for the centrist political project which not too to me to liking, but is submitted by the democrat and the humanist. Besides, it — only who can bring together round itself(himself) enough democrats (they is among right, left and even far right) what to reject pressure of the National front and again to rescue us from this threat.

— That you wait for

in case of its election?

— its pro-European positions give

to me to confidence because strong Europe is very necessary to us. Nevertheless, as it seems to me, it Europe the enterprises, than Europe the people that is regrettable interests more.

I Hope, it does not realize the project of reforms through decrees, one more version of article 49.3 which means turn aside from democracy …

I Hope, he fully realizes the arisen gap between citizens and their political representation: it — the young, "new" figure who can break up, at last, with old politicians careerists by means of democratic measures (the combination ban, two mandates a maximum, rules of medical ethics …). At last, I would like that he listened and heard! At citizens is what to tell …

Anyway, I do not create special illusions into its account and I count on a full reorganization left because otherwise next time a dam can break through …

— you are ready to vote for the candidate from "Forward! " at parliamentary elections?

— Everything will depend from the offered Emanuel Makron candidates, and also candidates from left in my district.

— For whom you voted in 2012?

— For Francois Hollande in both rounds.

— As you now feel


— Special euphoria is not present

. I hope that else I will be able to vote, being guided by my ideas, instead of calculation.

Nicolas, the head, 30 years (Tel Aviv)

— Why you voted for Emanuel Makron?

— not to pass extremists. Besides, the decision was made by process of elimination. I — the right centrist and the liberal in this connection I still had only choice between Francois Sharl Arman Fiyon and Emanuel Makron. "Scandals" especially did not confuse me, but all the same left a certain trace. Everything was solved while Francois Sharl Arman Fiyon declared intention to develop the relations with Russian Federation and Iran.

— you were sure by

of the choice?

— Yes, but I for the first time in life vote absolutely passionlessly.

— That you wait for

in case of its election?

— That it will rethink employment, will begin to develop the French-Israeli relations in other key on Palestinian-Israeli conflict, will expand participation France in EU and vice versa.

Besides, I count

on certain ethics of the president and a political class as a whole.

— you are ready to vote for the candidate from "Forward! " at parliamentary elections?

— I do not know

. I here live 12 years abroad, and my voice will depend on the program of the specific candidate, instead of his party accessory.

— For whom you voted in 2012?

— I did not vote on last elections. I in principle did not go earlier on elections because did not feel having the right to do it, time itself I live abroad. But this year I arrived differently as I am afraid Marine Le Pen and Zhan-Lyuk Melanshon.

— As you now feel


— it is quiet because "the republican front" has to block a way Marine Le Pen. Though I worry for the French society which more than 40% voted for extremists. It is necessary to know when to stop.

of Fransi, the personnel consultant, 61 years (Region of Ile-de-France)

— Why you voted for Emanuel Makron?

— I voted for Emanuel Makron because I support it. Even before presidential campaign I came across its book and understood that it has the vision (on political, social, economic, environmental, ethnic and international issues), and that it yet did not decide on the program because made a choice for democratic participation: the offered measures had to result from work on places, from collision of the points of view of simple citizens and experts … I know people who could find time to participate in these working groups. I respect them as I know how they work at the enterprises and what values defend.

on the basis of all this created the exacting program. She tries to capture all social and international difficulties which the present and inequalities put before our consciousness of the rich country. The matter is that France — the rich country. I know it because to me some years in the states happened to live and work with dictatorship and general poverty. This program offers French openness to Europe in which center there has to be a political and symbolical role France: without Europe France (3,26% of world gross domestic product) not in forces independently to cope with environmental, social, economic and political problems which put before us changes occurring in the world. I am glad to that I live in Europe and that Emanuel Makron offers new Europe which costs on service of the people, is strong the variety and defends human rights.

— you were sure by

of the choice?


— Yes, it is absolutely sure as I feel communication with views Emanuel Makron to France, Europe, the changing world. So, for example, its obligations in respect of power, environment and a biodiversity seem to me quite feasible. Besides, as it seems to me, Emanuel Makron changes our political life, eliminating "partocracy". The voice I reject the pernicious and simplistic section on right and left. Life is much more difficult. I always was against a simplistic categorization and stereotypic judgments about other people. It not the thoughtless confidence, and logic which includes cultural and evolutionary realities, tries to reconcile, instead of to oppose, is aimed at long-term prospect, instead of five years of presidential term.

— That you wait for

in case of its election?

— I wait for

that it remained faithful to the optimistic views, democratic participation, an ideal of philosophy of Education; created the government on the basis of a pragmatism, generosity, a variety and lack of a sexism; did not give up on an absolute necessity of transient in power, emancipation in educational system, reforms at school, balance between a freedom of enterprise, state regulation and strengthening of labor unions; achieved quality of the state in all territory of the country; advanced responsible liberalism; kept the promise about expansion of social security and general doles; kept development of associations. That it, at last, realized all measures of fight against evasion of taxes in practice.

That safety was stronger and clever (in particular by means of preventive measures). That it kept courage and uncompromising feeling of the world. That they with the government and deputies made a contribution to revival of political and social Europe which is a world and balance factor for itself and the whole world. That he will achieve granting 50% of places to civil society at parliamentary elections.

Certainly, I do not wait that the president will make everything … It has limits, but I hope for its sincere rush and effective measures.

— you are ready to support the candidate "Forward! " at parliamentary elections?

— Yes, because for advance need the majority. I think that for this purpose the parliament needs to follow more pragmatic and less ideologized logic as, for example, it occurs to Germany.

— For whom you voted in 2012?

— For Francois Hollande. I voted for left always, except 2002 when it was necessary not to pass Marine Le Pen.

— As you now feel


— Still I worry. I am simply shocked with that some do not see a difference between Emanuel Makron and Marine Le Pen! I am afraid of mass absence which reduces a gap between candidates. Emanuel Makron — the republican, the social democrat, the pragmatist, the author of the generous and open project who seeks to return on a progress way. Marine Le Pen represents natives of Vichy and a collaboration, rejection of the foreigners, the economic conservatism impregnated with hatred which is pernicious for our country. Absence becomes passive support Marine Le Pen.

Emanuel Zhan-Mishel Frederick Makron (Emmanuel Macron)
Last position: President of the Republic France (President of the Republic of France)
Marine Le Pen (Marine Le Pen)
Last position: Deputy of the constituency of department of Strait of Dover (National assembly France)
Jean-Luc Mélenchon
Last position: Deputy (National assembly France)
Francois Hollande (François Hollande)
Last position: Member of council (Constitutional council France)