Reckless drivers also are dear: fatal flaws of drivers

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Number of accidents on domestic routes reads off scale. The capital is shaken continually by a gnash expensively to iron of powerful cars. The people continue to fight to death. Reckless drivers, without sparing neither the life, nor strangers, continue to play automobile chess on city streets. is overflowed with rollers where registrars ruthlessly fix terrible road accidents on roads. Why all this occurs? After all, on the one hand, producers of modern cars claim, what their cars become more and more safe (systems of active and passive safety allegedly are seriously improved), and with another – it turns out, what because of powerful motors and speeds which in a moment develop cars, at people simply does not remain any chances to survive?

Safronov Stanislas. The photo from personal archive

On this subject to the observer of 24-hour city information TV channel "Moskva 24" to Shvytkin Igor was succeeded to talk to the real automobile expert – the master of sports Russian Federation on motor racing, the vice-champion of the Formula Russia 2015 championship, the vice-champion Russian Federation 2012 in karting, the champion of several Russian routes in race with the closed wheels, the trainer of school of extreme driving of Masterkho Safronov Stanislas.

– So, Safronov Stanislas how you consider, what occurs on our routes? From where such deadly statistics more similar to front reports?

– A lot of things are explained by the elementary consumer relation of present owners of a car to the cars. Some overestimate possibilities of the iron horse. People too trust advertizing in respect of safety of this or that car. Trust admonitions of managers. In general, recently various automobile brands by means of aggressive advertizing to mass media carry out categorical cultivation of opportunities of electronic stuffings. Allegedly electronic assistants can make everything for the driver, having solved any problem which has arisen on the road. The young generation of drivers began to belong to the car as to a gadget, instead of as to means of the increased danger. The incorrect assessment both the abilities in control of car, and opportunities of the car also is explained by it. Here add factors of the wrong assessment of a paving and climatic conditions which always directly influence a speed choice, smoothness of maneuvering, etc.

– By the way, in our driving schools teach only to car driving, observance of traffic regulations and even rendering the first pre-medical medical care, but in any way driving. It too omission?

– it is unconditional. Lack of experience of driving in critical situations is a serious problem. And in general many at all did not hear about existence of courses of counteremergency preparation. And it in spite of the fact that as a whole level of skills of driving at people a priori the weak. And every year this level only falls. Many study as the, sometimes fatal flaws. It, of course, terribly. Absence of knowledge of the elementary physics, the device of a car, its technical and aerodynamic capabilities affects. And sometimes everything begins with simple neglect in relation to pressure in tires. Whether many of us periodically it check? And after all it is very important factor of behavior of the car on the road, especially in case of an emergency situation. Here we will add low culture on roads as a whole: non-compliance with rules traffic regulations, egoism — food as I want, I get up where I wish, desire to drive in a stream, instead of on the racing route, risk and danger misunderstanding at speeds 80%2B, mass aggression in a counterbalance to a former automobile brotherhood, absence of responsibility for road accident consequences, especially it concerns well-founded segments of the population. Today the person who has just acquired the rights, can go and buy the machine, at which over 500 horses under a cowl. On it he also will study. How you believe to what such practice will lead? Here to you and deadly cocktail. .

of the Photo from personal archive of the author

of Means of fight against road accident

– Safronov Stanislas, what you as the professional racer and how the motorist could offer, for example, to our legislators for situation change on roads?

– First, certainly, need to enter differentiation of categories of the rights for control of cars on power, and with a compulsory vocational education for powerful cars. On the road it is alas difficult to culture of behavior to train... Probably, it will come over time. Besides, it is necessary to popularize professional motor racing, and at the level of the state. To toughen inevitability of punishment for serious and systematic violations of traffic regulations. To enter mark system in the rights (as abroad and in "Formula One"). To send citizens to schools of increase of driver's skill if they are found guilty of road accident. To trace video and a photo of reckless drivers on social networks.

– Here you personally after all too the adherent of a fast and high-speed driving. What do you think of capital street racers? After all the youth indeed sometimes wants to drive.

– I consider that anyway to street racers not a place in the city. For example, our school has a partner who provides us a platform for counteremergency preparation. Similar these can lease, and there, having employed the trainer if there is a strong wish, it is possible to engage in hooliganism. Now near Moscow there are two racing routes where it is possible to compete as in the skill, and to show, on what your car is capable.

of the Photo from personal archive of the author

Dangerous maneuvers and a correction of mistakes

It is known that among the most widespread mistakes of drivers which lead to serious road accidents, can carry the following: excess of a high-speed mode; incorrect assessment of a paving, so, and revaluation of due coupling of wheels with the road in case of braking; non-compliance with a distance at movement; driving on a roadside; carelessness when reading road signs in case of departure on intersections; mistake when overtaking – an incorrect assessment of a distance and speed of the coming nearer car; revaluation of opportunities of the car. Safronov Stanislas shared with me opinion on how after all it is possible to avoid a head-on collision when it, it seems, already and inevitably.

the Oncoming traffic lane

– the Head-on collision, of course, can be avoided br! If to observe traffic regulations! Often head-on collisions are provoked by those drivers who try to leave from other emergency. For example, a detour ahead of the stopped car. However instead of striking in its back part, people choose the maneuver connected with departure on an oncoming lane. Thus they hope to go round sharply stopped car or the appeared obstacle. Result – a head-on collision. Also people very often forget to observe a distance. For example, drivers, having defended in hours-long traffic jams in the conditions of the minimum distance, leave on a high-speed site of the road, disperse, and a distance keep the former. Result similar. .
Problems with a distance can be carried br and to overtakings on an oncoming lane. Drivers often leave on an oncoming lane, as if on walk! Often happens so. The driver, wishing to make overtaking, drives up closely to the ahead car, then sharply leaves on an oncoming lane (by the way, this sharp maneuver on an oncoming lane often comes to an end with a turn or a ditch) and only after it appeared on an oncoming lane, begins dispersal. The car weak, accelerates long, and therefore simply does not manage to finish overtaking. And here already there is a counter car.

As it is necessary Hold a distance to ahead car of meters fifteen. Watching a counter flow, wait while the sufficient distance before overtaking commission is formed. Thus at departure for the oncoming traffic lane do not forget to plan to yourself where exactly, at least approximately, you will be reconstructed in the row. Then include a low gear, the blinker and start dispersing actively, being in the strip. It becomes in order that on an oncoming lane to leave already with an advancing in the speed of the car which you overtake. As the result – your overtaking will borrow much less time and, respectively, will be safer. Well and certainly, the distance between your car and the car which you advance, will give the chance to you to leave on an oncoming lane smoothly and surely!
From myself I will personally add br that itself sometimes got to difficult situations when overtaking. Sometimes the one whom you overtake, starts dispersing suddenly. Well there are such villains and losers. So you also appear in a vice between it and counter car. It happened and so that at my overtaking the passing stream for some reason started braking sharply, and free "windows", or places in an engine, either were reduced, or at all closed for evolution.

As is necessary Well, first, still nobody cancelled the old and kind rule "It Is Not Sure — Do Not Overtake". . Secondly, if such emergency situation was created and you appeared in a vice, it is necessary to try to get it together both not to panic at all and not to shake the car in the parties. It is necessary to make the decision on that, how exactly you will act. There are at least two options: to leave on a counter roadside, having thus blinked a driving beam of headlights and surely having turned on the left blinker to let know to the driver of a counter car that you leave on its (!) roadside, and it should continue movement directly, without turning aside. The second option is, having included an emergency signal and a driving beam of headlights (only in the afternoon! ! ! ) to brake and ask for a passing row. Alas, at such mistake it is a little saving options. As a rule, because of confusion drivers of counter cars also meet on the left roadside. Both try to curtail.

of the Photo from personal archive of the author

Drift: the exit from a corkscrew

by words Safronov Stanislas, drift also is a consequence of mass mistakes in driving. Drift very often is explained by misoperation of pedals, sharp turns of a steering wheel and physics misunderstanding, namely the centrifugal force, the wrong razvesovka and other. And still, according to the expert, at drift it is necessary to observe some simple rules.

As it is necessary – the Forward drive in case of drift demands pressing gas and small turn of a wheel towards drift. The car in this case aspires behind driving forward wheels and as though extends itself from a state when back wheels start sliding. The back drive demands a smooth otpuskaniye of gas and fast turn of wheels towards drift on such corner, on what car brought. On the full drive, as well as on forward, it is necessary to add draft and to turn a wheel towards drift a little. And certainly, at the person should not be driving any video translations and reading messages on phone. Certainly, in ours not to do without navigators, I only can advise to fix phone by means of different adaptations on glass minimum to distract from the road. .

Shvytkin Igor