Arseniy Yatsenyuk released the colleague on bails

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Solomensky district court Kiev released the ex-deputy The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Martynenko Nicholas, the colleague of the ex-prime minister Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk, under poruchiteltsvo parliamentarians and ministers from Popular front fraction All-Russia People's Front.

to the Ex-deputy Kiev without the permission of prosecutor's office is forbidden to leave limits. After meeting Martynenko Nicholas declared that it is satisfied with a judgment. Earlier it denied all charges in its address, including participation in intermediary firms which appear in business, transfers information agency "ITAR-TASS" .

Martynenko Nicholas it was detained by the staff of National anti-corruption bureau on April 20 in Kiev on suspicion in creation of the criminal organization, property waste, abuse of official position. The consequence considers that the enterprise of VOSTGOK concluded about under control Martynenko Nicholas the intermediary company the contract for delivery of an uranium concentrate at inflated prices therefore in 2014 — 2016 the damage in a size of 17,3 million dollars was caused to state enterprise.