Arkady Dvorkovich considers that service records will leave office-work

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the Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich told that service records will consign to the past. He made such statement at plenary session of the Krasnoyarsk economic forum, reports Information company Rambler ,

"It is obvious to

that it (cancellation of service records) already practically occurred in reality. From the press of legal entities we already actually left as well from service records we will leave, I think, in process of completion of work on the unified register which FTS does now on all persons" — Arkady Dvorkovich told. It was the answer to words of the deputy director Fund of assistance to innovations Gudkov Pawel who noted that now there is an economy digitalization therefore "have to die off service records, they are not necessary not only in paper, but also in electronic form".


Service records are necessary for definition of an experience and charge of pensions to citizens. The idea about their cancellation is actual for quite some time now. As the Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets declared, offers on the translation of service records in an electronic format will be by the end of the year prepared. According to chapter of Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia" Herman Gref, as it stands they are inconvenient to employers, citizens and the Pension fund.


As it was reported earlier , Arkady Dvorkovich supported the offer not to allow on a workplace of employees who did not pass planned medical inspection.

Arkady Dvorkovich
Last position: President (FIDE)
Pavel Gudkov
Last position: Deputy CEO (FASIE )
Herman Gref
Last position: President, Chairman of the board (PJSC Sberbank of Russia)
Olga Golodets
Last position: Board member, vice chairman of the board (PJSC Sberbank of Russia)
Main activity:Finance
PJSC Sberbank of Russia
Main activity:Finance