The program "Effective Power" in 2016: Coverage of the citizens having access to receiving state and municipal services by the principle of "one window", made 99,6%

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The program

on April 19 on enlarged meeting of Committee on questions of the budget, a financial and tax policy was heard the report on a course of realization of a state program Moscow region "The effective power" in 2016. of All financing was planned for it about 31 billion rubles. However financial execution of the program made 26 billion rubles (about 74%). Thus, as the first deputy minister of public administration noted, information technologies and communications Moscow region Andrey Aleksandrovich Borodin, "The effective power" one of the largest programs – on 2016 227 indicators were planned. From them 77% are reached in full. Incomplete performance is closely connected with financing program actions.

This program includes actions for several directions. So, in the direction of decrease in administrative barriers and improvement of quality of providing state and municipal services network of the multipurpose centers develops. In 2016 it was open 188 new uniform windows of access to services, and the most part from them – remote offices, for convenience of inhabitants of the remote settlements. Thus, coverage of the citizens having access to receiving state and municipal services by the principle of "one window", made 99,6%. And the average waiting time in turn made 13,5 minutes, level of satisfaction with quality of services – 94%. of All in 2016 MFTs networks was allocated for development of about 1 billion rubles.

Within the second subprogramme carry out by development information and communication technologies for the purpose of increase of efficiency of management processes and creating favorable conditions of life and maintaining businesses in the region. It is the main for Ministry State administration office, information technologies and communication Moscow region. In 2016 for this subprogramme it was planned by 5,7 billion rubles. However this program was executed for 57%. It is connected by that in the state is headed for import substitution, and the part of purchases should be suspended – for example, the software. Last year ways of replacement of this software were studied, and such decision considering requirements of information safety, was found only in the end of the year. Respectively, undeveloped means were postponed for 2017 and at present purchase procedures are carried out. It is a question, for example, of purchases computers for schools . Among other indicators – equipment of vehicles by system of GLONAAS , it was executed for 93%. And funds on these actions were raised within state-private partnership. And a share of the apartment houses to which inhabitants services not less than two Internet service providers are available, made 74%.

Also in this subprogramme there takes place development infrastructures electronic governments . In total at present is introduced receiving 48 services, demanding single visit, 19 more are provided completely in electronic form . So, on a uniform portal of state and municipal services services the REGISTRY OFFICE, and also the application for obtaining the hunting ticket are available.


as a whole, it is possible to allocate a number of the main results of the second subprogramme in 2016:

  • of 12,1 million addresses arrived in MFTs;
  • of 8 million addresses arrived through a regional portal of providing state services;
  • of 86,3 thousand preliminary making an appointment;
  • of 6,36 million making an appointment with the doctor;
  • acquired 1102 computers under management LLC "Alt Linux" and LibreOffice;
  • carried out works on introduction of means of protection of information generally data-processing center Moscow region;
  • acquired hardware-software providing for 3 376 workplaces.

One more key subprogramme is "Management of the public finances Moscow region". It sets the task of increase of efficiency of the budgetary expenses Moscow region . Within this task such actions, as are realized:

  • introduction of the advanced technologies in process of formation of the draft of the budget Moscow region;
  • carrying out monitorings financial and economic activity of the organizations;
  • monitoring and the analysis of the reasons of emergence and consequences of financial and economic difficulties in activity of the organizations, their influence on development economy and on a labor market of municipalities Moscow region and Moscow region as a whole.

In addition, solve problems of improvement of the interbudgetary relations, managements of a public debt Moscow region and managements of the public finances the region. So, it agrees to one of the main indicators of the subprogramme, a share of execution of account obligations of the region in reporting financial year made 86,6% . In total for this subprogramme in 2016 it was actually allocated with 10,6 billion rubles.

Also within the program "Effective Power" is carried out by development a property complex Moscow region . At this subprogramme two operators – the Ministry of property and the Ministry Moscow region. For actions of these ministries it was actually allocated with 3,48 billion rubles. One of indicators of the subprogramme is receipt of funds in budget Moscow region from a rent, and also from sale of the right for the conclusion of contracts rent of the land plots which are in property of the region. They made 909 million rubles. Still of 142 million rubles arrived from privatization of regional property and sale of the land plots . And a gain of the area of the land plots which are in property of the region, made 11,2 thousand hectares.