Snowfall in Iceland for five days cut off the French tourist from a civilization

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To great happiness, in its car appeared a sufficient stock of food and water (the man prepared for long travel on the island). It also helped it to live in a snow imprisonment of the whole five days.

As if in the present adventure novel, the Frenchman who has got stuck on the bank of one of picturesque Icelandic fjords because of the strongest snowfall, was rescued by crew of the post boat. About it writes the electronic Iceland Magazine edition.

the Citizen of France Kretyen Thomas decided to travel across Iceland, having hired the car. The trip was planned long therefore water and provisions it was reserved much.

Having reached the region Region of Westfjords, that is "The western fjords", it made the decision to turn aside one of them – Adnar-fyorda (Arnarfjörður – the eagle fjord, isl. ) . The coastal site of the road on which the man moved, from the northern and southern parties is cut off by mountain passes. Them, happens, clean from snow, but it is not too frequent, after all here almost nobody goes to winter time.

"I reached here Saturday evening, snow brought down all night long, and in the morning any more there was no opportunity to get out", – Kretyen Thomas in interview to the Icelandic TV channel told. The Frenchman was cut off from the world on the bank of the fjord. At its order there were picturesque vicinities of the fjord and a site of the road to 20 km between two the passes entirely brought by snow.

"I prepared for travel therefore stocked up with food and drink for all term of a trip. It appeared very positive moment. I needed to wait simply. Killed time reading and working at the laptop … I sat and waited five days because simply did not know that else I can make in that situation", – the Frenchman tells.

Later the man were picked up five days aboard by crew passing by the post boat which Bildyudalyur delivered the tourist to the next town. There it happened to live a couple of days more while passes at last were not cleared away. It allowed to release the leased car from snow captivity.

Because of the adventures in the west of Iceland to Kretyen Thomas happened to pass the flight home, however he claims that in everything he is guilty: "I had no deficiency of information on weather, simply I did not pay it due attention".

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