Example for Maria Sharapova. 10 stories of the tennis-players who have come back to round

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Maria Sharapova and Serena Williams
of the Photo: information agency "Reuters"
will end on April 26 with
. The Russian played the last match in Australian Open-2016 quarterfinal against Serena Williams. Return – always difficult and disturbing process, but it will take place where it is simpler if to lean on optimistical stories of colleagues on shop. "Championship" decided to make the rating of the tennis-players who ever were coming back to round after a long break.

10. Enen Zhyustin

2008. Enen Zhyustin surely retain the first line of a world rating and in anticipation of "Roland Garros", being acting champion of tournament, is its main favourite. But on May 14 the Belgian unexpectedly declared completion of career and asked WTA to clean immediately her name from a rating. Anyway, the great Belgian declared that at all does not worry because of the difficult decision and with optimism looks forward.

However, as well as the majority of participants of our rating, Enen Zhyustin could not live without this game. In September, 2009 there was a news that Enen Zhyustin is going to return to round. After a while Ru with pleasure confirmed this information. According to her, on such brave step she was pushed by a victory Rodger Federer on "Roland Garros" thanks to which it collected "A career helmet" (the most Enen Zhyustin for similar achievement there was no victory on Wimbledon). Well and, certainly, successful return Kliysters Kim played a role.

On the first tournament after an one-and-a-half-year pause, in Brisbane, Enen Zhyustin reached the final where conceded to the compatriot of Kliysters Kim. It was followed by even more powerful achievement – straight away Enen Zhyustin reached the joint stock company final, in intense fight having conceded to Serena Williams. In Ru's season-2010 won two titles – in Stuttgart and Hertogenboskhe.

On the Wimbledon tournament-2010, in a match of the fourth circle against Kliysters Kim, Enen Zhyustin slipped and fell on the right elbow. Further inspection revealed serious injury of ligaments. The Belgian passed the season rest, and having lost in January of the 2011th year in the third circle of joint stock company, for the second time declared completion of professional career. On March 20, 2013 at Enen Zhyustin the daughter whom she called Lally was born, and last fall the Belgian declared that expects the second baby.

9. Kimiko of Date

was no time Kimiko in top ten tennis-players of the world – in 1994 the Japanese rose by the 4th position in the table of ranks. However she could not win "Grand Slam" tournament. On September 24, 1996, after the second Olympic Games, the Japanese finished professional career.

Having adjusted private life and having successfully married, Kimiko started missing business of all the life. In April, 2008, in 37 years, it absolutely unexpectedly returned to round. Since then she won 9 titles ITF, and in September of the 2009th in Seoul won also the first title WTA after return in Seoul. It made her the second most age tennis-player, after Jean Billy King, won the WTA tournament in the single category. Having endured divorce and a knee operation last year, Kimiko still plans to return to round in the 46 years.

8. Vinus Eboni Starr Williams

On Australian Open-2011 Vinus Eboni Starr Williams , seeded by the fourth, forcedly interrupted the series from 294 matches from which it was not removed because of injuries.
Injury of a hip was very serious, the American returned only in June. "Roland Garros"-2011 became the first tournament after US Open-2003 on which did not play both sisters Vinus Eboni Starr Williams.

In August Vinus Eboni Starr Williams passed large tournaments to Toronto and Cincinnati because of a virus infection. During US Open it became clear that Vinus Eboni Starr Williams Sr. suffers Shegren's syndrome: "I am very disappointed. Recently doctors diagnosed for me Shegren's syndrome – an autoimmune disease which is incurable and which influences my charge of forces, causes fatigue and joint pain. I was glad to win here the first match and would like to continue, but I cannot. Now I will concentrate on treatment as soon as possible to return on court".

Vinus Eboni Starr Williams passed the rest of a season and for the first time since 1997 finished a season out of top-50 (the 102nd place). The American in February of the 2012th returned, having won together with Lizel Huber a match within the Federation Cup. In a month, to Miami, it for the first time since 2009 beat the player top-3 – to Kvitov Petr – and reached a tournament quarterfinal. In June Vinus Eboni Starr Williams together with the sister won the fifth Wimbledon in couple. A month later they repeated the success at the Olympic Games. Vinus Eboni Starr Williams became the quadruple Olympic champion.

In October-2012 Vinus Eboni Starr Williams won the first single title in two years, having won Luxembourg. Difficult the season-2013 was given, but since then Vinus Eboni Starr Williams as though only adds every year. The finals and victories on "Premieres", Australian Open-2017 final – now Vinus Eboni Starr Williams on the verge of the next return in top-10 and still is threat for any top tennis-player.

7. Navratilov Martin

B 1994 in 38 years career finished the greatest Navratilov Martin. In 2000 it was included in a tennis Hall of glory, however in the same season the American appeared again on court, playing pair competitions. In two years it played the match first for 8 years in the single, having beaten the 22nd racket of the world Panova Tatyana. In the 2003rd Martin won two titles in mikste with Paes Leander on joint stock company and Wimbledon. The next year, having received "uayld-kard", Martina left in the second circle of Wimbledon in the single, in the 47 years and 8 months having become the most age tennis-player who won a single match in the Open era. On it records and titles did not end – on US Open-2006 together with Brian Bob they won a trophy in mikste, one week prior to Martina's 50-year anniversary. Having won the 177th (!) trophy, Navratilov Martin again finished career.
Results of tennis-players after return:
(in brackets — absence time)

Serena Williams (11 months) – 10 TBSh (the single category), 2 TBSh (the pair category), 2 OI gold (2012 – the single and couple), 34 titles in the single category, the first racket of the world.
Kliysters Kim (2 years and 3 months) – 3 TBSh (about), 7 titles in the single, the first racket of the world.
of Jennifer Capriati (1 year and 4 months) – 3 TBSh (about), 8 titles in the single, the first racket of the world.
Maria Sharapova (10 months) – 2 TBSh (about), OI silver (2012 — the single), 16 titles in the single, the first racket of the world.
Selesh Monica (2 years and 3 months) – 1 TBSh (about), 21 titles in the single.
Martina Khingis (5 years and 9 months) – 3 TBSh (p), 4 TBSh (mikst), OI silver (2016 — couple), 19 titles in couple.
Navratilov Martin (5 years and 6 months) – 3 TBSh (mikst), 12 titles in couple.
Vinus Eboni Starr Williams (6 months) – 6 titles in the single, 2 titles in couple, 2 OI gold (2012 – the single and couple), OI silver (2016 — mikst).
of Kimiko of Date (11 years and 7 months) – 1 title in the single, 5 titles in couple.
Enen Zhyustin (1 year and 7 months) – 2 titles in the single.

6. Martina Khingis

In 2001 of Martin tore a linking of an ankle and was compelled to perform operation. But problems with health had an effect therefore in February of the 2003rd in 22 years Hingis declared completion of career.

However long without Martin's tennis could not live and in the fall the 2005th announced the decision to resume career. For Martin's next two seasons won three trophies (in Rome, Calcutta and Tokyo), one title on TBSh (on AO-2006 in mikste with Mahesh Bhupathi) and returned in top-10 singles, having become the 6th racket of the world. At the end of 2007 Martina unexpectedly called a press conference at which declared that in its doping test taken on Wimbledon-2007, cocaine traces are found. She emphasized that never it accepted and does not agree with examination, however is compelled to finish career. In 2008 of ITF officially discharged Hingis of tennis for two years.

the Swiss successfully spoke as
of the Next some years at veteran tournaments, and in the spring the 2013th became the trainer Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova. At the beginning of July Hingis was included in the international tennis Hall of glory, but, as well as in a case from Navratilova, it only pushed her on new fulfillments — at the end of summer she already played pair tournaments. Three TBSh together with Mirza Alexandra, four – in mikste with Paes Leander, silver of 2016 Summer Olympics of the pair category – for Martin's short term convinced all the heyter that came back at all in vain.

5. Selesh Monica

One of the most dramatic sports stories happened to Selesh Monica. Having won in three years (1991-1993) 8 tournaments of "Grand Slam", the 20-year-old Yugoslav (at that time; in 1994th it obtained nationality of United States of America) was in the prime of life and energy. That occurred on April 30, 1993 in Hamburg is more terrible and more a pity for those.

Selesh Monica played a quarterfinal match on local tournament against the Bulgarian Maleeva Magdalena. At the score 6:4, 4:3 in favor of Selesh Monica tennis-players changed the parties, and during a break from a tribune on court the German fan Günter Parsh with a knife in a hand ran out and wounded Selesh Monica in a back (here it is necessary to explain that Selesh Monica constantly won at this time against Graf Shteffi. According to some information, Günter decided "to revenge" the offender of the favourite tennis-player. Him did not put, having recognized mentally unhealthy). The finishing knife entered on depth one and a half centimeters. Selesh Monica was urgently hospitalized. And though serious physical damages managed to be avoided, this case strongly wounded mentality of the Yugoslavian sportswoman. Two years she did not speak at tournaments, being afraid of incident repetition. Besides, Selesh Monica promised not to play any more on the German tournaments.

Selesh Monica returned on court in April of the 1995th, having at once won Canadian Open. In the 1996th Selesh Monica won the last TBSh – Australian Open. In the next years the American several times was in the finals, but bigger could not achieve. Despite it, all this time it steadily kept in top-10, having won some large tournaments and three Federation Cups.

B on "Roland Garros" conceded 2003 Selesh Monica in the first circle. It was the last match of the American. On February 14, 2008 Selesh Monica officially declared completion of professional career, and in the 2009th it was included in a glory Hall.

4. Maria Sharapova

On the fourth place of our rating – the first return Maria Sharapova in round.

Since the childhood Maria Sharapova dreamed to make a speech at the Olympic Games. And if in 2004 it was prevented by insufficiently high place in a rating, the Russian did not go to Beijing played all this time with it, aggravating a situation.

Maria Sharapova passed the season rest, and in the end of the year a shoulder operation was performed on it. Several times postponing return, Maria Sharapova fell by the 126th position, having returned on court only on the Warsaw soil in May-2009 where reached a quarterfinal. On followed "Roland Garros" the Russian also broke through in the eight of the strongest. In October the first trophy after return – to Tokyo was won. Season Maria Sharapova finished on the 14th place in a rating.

2010th turned out very difficult, but Maria Sharapova, having started working with Khogstedt Thomas, in Brussels for the first time in career won a title on soil. For the Russian this covering the most part of career was unloved, she called herself "a cow on ice" because of inconvenience which tested at movement on soil. But wonderfully in Maria Sharapova becomes the leader on percent of victories on this slowest tennis covering.

B the 2011th Maria Sharapova wins a super tournament in Rome, and in the next season makes out seeming such unattainable "A career helmet". On "Roland Garros" it a storm flew by on a grid, having had notable problems only in 1/8 finals. This success allowed the Russian, let and for a while, to return on rating top. In the summer other dream Maria Sharapova came true – at last having got on the Olympic Games, on courts of Wimbledon it won a silver medal.

Having replaced some trainers, Maria Sharapova continued tactical searches in game. Grenefeld Sven installed any psychological confidence for this reason, apparently, Maria Sharapova will begin new return under its management in its team.
the Help received by tennis-players from organizers:

Serena Williams – crops on Wimbledon-2011 at higher number.
Kliysters Kim – 3 wild card (Cincinnati, Toronto, US Open).
of Jennifer Capriati – 4 wild card (Essen, Indian Wells, Miami, Montreal).
Maria Sharapova – 1 wild card (Warsaw).
Selesh Monica – is restored in the rank of the first racket of the world.
Vinus Eboni Starr Williams – 4 wild card (Miami, the Charleston, Madrid, Rome).
of Kimiko of Date – 4 tournaments ITF, wild card in qualification (Tokyo), 2 wild card (Oklend, Wimbledon).
Enen Zhyustin – 3 wild card (Brisbane, Australian Open, Indian Wells).

3. Jennifer Capriati

of Jennifer Capriati is known first of all for a large number of records which are preceded by the words "the most young". For example, in 14 years she became the most young representative top-10. In 16 years she became the Olympic champion, having beaten in "a gold match" Graf Shteffi. But pressure of the press and the overestimated levels played an evil joke with Jen – after defeat in the first circle of US Open-1993 the 17-year-old American of 14 months carried out out of tennis. Her several times detained for small store thefts and marihuana storage. Capriati's example began to give as typical history of the "fused" teenager.

Having returned to round, only in 1998 Jennifer won the first match after a break on "Grand Slam" tournaments. However, gradually gathering a form, Capriati won the title first for six years in Strasbourg in 1999 and returned in top-20. On AO-2001 the matured Jennifer won the first title on TBSh. In May she added in a moneybox of the titles "Roland Garros", and in October for the first time headed a rating. Having protected in January of the 2002nd the Australian title, the American was strongly fixed in top-10 till 2004 when infinite injuries compelled it to finish tennis. It played the last match on tournament to gorod Filadelfiya in the fall of 2004, having lost to Zvonareva Vera already in the second circle.

B of Capriati was included 2012 in the Glory Hall.

2. Kliysters Kim

In May of 2007th Kliysters Kim, at that time won only one title on majors (US Open-2005), declared completion of career because of constantly its muchashchy injuries.

In February the 2008th Kliysters Kim gave birth to the daughter. At the beginning of 2009 the Belgian together with Khenman Tim, Graf Shteffi and Agassi Andre was invited to exhibition tournament in a threshold of Wimbledon. And already on March 26 Kliysters Kim organized a press conference and declared that plans to return to round during the American series. Also she told that prefers to call this new page not return, and "the second career" because there are many factors (a marriage, the child, recent death of the father) in which there are huge distinctions with her first career. And it is valid, Kliysters Kim returned, having played on tournament Cincinnati and having reached a quarterfinal. Then Kliysters Kim played Toronto, having conceded in the third circle to Jelena Jankovic.

Having arrived on US Open as a dark horse, Kliysters Kim became the first champion of this tournament for all history which played in a grid thanks to "uayld-kard". Besides, she is the first mother, won the major, after Yvonne Goulagong's success on Wimbledon-1980. Having beaten on tournament of both sisters Vinus Eboni Starr Williams, Kliysters Kim became only who did it twice.

became 2010 the real Renaissance Kliysters Kim – the Belgian won tournaments in Brisbane, Miami, Cincinnati, Total tournament in Doha and protected a title on US Open. the 2011th began with a victory on Australian Open. Having won the first TBSh outside United States of America and the fourth in total, Kliysters Kim went to Paris where there was a significant event – after an exit in a semi-final Kliysters Kim ensured an ascension on top of a rating of WTA, for the first time since 2005.

did not do without injuries – having sprained an anklebone on one of grassy tournaments, Kliysters Kim passed Wimbledon. In August it tore belly muscles and left until the end of a season. Kliysters Kim very much wanted to perform at the Olympic Games in London-2012. Having lost many points on a season course, she nevertheless was selected on Games where conceded in a quarterfinal Maria Sharapova. The Belgian held the last tournament in darling of US Open where lost in the second circle to Robson Lora. On September 2, 2012 Kliysters Kim declared completion of career.

the Belgian played the farewell match in an exhibition format against Vinus Eboni Starr Williams , having beaten that 6:3, 6:3. 13 thousand people came to say goodbye to the heroine on the arena in Antwerp.

1. Serena Williams

If career to present Serena Williams won five TBSh in the single category and two more – in pair, there came "time of troubles" in 2004-2006
On Wimbledon-2003 Serena Williams was traumatized a knee and left on as it seemed, small term. However weeks assumed some extended in long 8 months. Having returned to Miami and having won there a title, Serena Williams lost at early stages of majors. In Beijing in October the second title in a season was won. In the final of Total tournament it tore muscles of an abdominal tension and could give with a speed only about 100 km/h. That match she lost Maria Sharapova and finished year on the 7th position, for the first time since 2001 without having won for a season of any TBSh.

After a victory on Australian Open-2005 Serena Williams tortured again injuries, there came a train of removals and early defeats. Because of stretching of an anklebone "Roland Garros" was necessary to pass. Without having achieved serious achievements in the season rest, Serena Williams for the first time in seven years did not enter in top-10 following the results of a year, having become the 11th.

On AO-2006 happened again an early departure — in the third circle from Danjela Gantukhova. After a match Serena Williams declared that all fault a trauma and it needs time for restoration. Later she admits the autobiography that it had the hardest depression. The meeting with the little fan which adjusted Serena Williams on a positive harmony helped. The American believed that again can win. During the semi-annual absence Serena Williams was rolled away on the 139th place in a rating. Having reached on several tournaments a semi-final and having lost in the fourth circle of US Open Moresmo Amel, Serena Williams ahead of schedule finished a season.
In 2008-2010 Serena Williams wins

it stepped on the broken glass at restaurant and passed the season rest. On March 2, 2011 Serena Williams reports that she had a pulmonary embolism – a disease which at the wrong treatment can lead even to a lethal outcome.

Having healed all "sores", Serena Williams returned to round even more strongly and motivirovanny, than was before. 10 tournaments of "Grand Slam" in the single, two – in couple. The victory in Melbourne in this season allowed it to overtake Graf Shteffi by number of the won majors, and on number of weeks on WTA throne it already came to a pure third place.

Others of history

Certainly, any top list – a thing subjective, in ten is difficult to contain all stories of return, but some of them really deserve attention. So, Stosur Samantha on a way to the main victory – on US Open-2011 – won against Lyme's most dangerous illness life, Kleybanova Alisa coped with Hodzhkin's lymphoma – an oncological disease of lymph nodes, and Miryana Luchich endured attacks of the father tyrant.

On a way to top Maria Sharapova will wait a set of difficulties, and it is more interesting to that to watch her return. And as the nobility, maybe, in a couple of years her "career 2.0" becomes the bright applicant for hit in such rating.