Glory to winners of space: than the Soviet cards differed from the amerkiansky

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Day of astronautics was founded in our country only in 1962, a year later after flight in space Gagarin Youri. But the first cards devoted to a subject of space, were let out already in the late fifties, after start of the first satellites. What they were and than differed from the American – about it in the photo report

Tkachenko Stanislas told



of the Card, devoted to the first satellites of Earth, look quite modestly. And them it is impossible to call circulation mass – from 200 to 500 thousand copies. Therefore today as the filokartist told correspondents, the director of the Chelyabinsk museum of arts Tkachenko Stanislas, it is possible to call them rare.

Such cards were issued small circulations

– It is possible to assume that the reason of such restraint became not only privacy of space researches, but also some doubts in progress, – Tkachenko Stanislas speaks. – Therefore today such cards – a rarity, a little at whom they are. And one more detail – all these cards are not signed. People bought them to keep as the fact of the come true exit in space.

on the back of the majority of them there are the laconic texts telling about events. For example, such: "on September 14, 1959 the second space rocket delivered to the Moon a pennant with the image of the coat of arms of the USSR". Circulation of this card is 550 thousand copies. But gradually space subject gets into all segments of production printed materials – posters, cards, brands, badges. This subject is incredibly popular in newspapers.

cards for children with space subject appeared

After cards with the first satellites. Today they too rarity. The card with the fantastic characters who have lagged behind satellites, was issued in 1961. The artist-caricaturist Semenov gave it the name "Unless with them will keep up? ".

the Card of 1962 "Two parties of one Moon" is connected by


of the Dog Belka and Strelka, come back to Earth after successful flight by the second space ship satellite on August 19, 1960, too became postcard heroes. However the circulation of this card is absolutely small – 200 thousand copies. The known Soviet poster artist Viktorov represented heroic doggies.

At the second card very amusing story. It is devoted to work of research institute of a toy where worked over a subject of Belka and Strelka. Its circulation is only 50 thousand copies. The toy was called "By passengers of the Soviet spaceship Belka and Strelka". The card even is accompanied by the text in English probably work intended for any international exhibitions. It is surprising that near dogs the mouse looks out of a window.

A still there is a card "The Murzilka on the satellite" with such text: "Scientists claim that on the satellite was nobody, but I such small that they simply did not notice me". The artist allocated three architectural objects on the earth: Kremlin, Eiffel Tower and Statue of Liberty. The Kremlin gets to searchlight beams – an obvious hint on the one who in space ahead of a planet of all.

the Gallery of portraits of the Soviet astronauts on cards begins

. But this set of the black-and-white photographic cards devoted to the first astronaut of Earth, was released by Planeta publishing house in 1969. There is a photo of the astronaut in foundry shop of the Lyubertsy plant of agricultural cars of a name Ukhtomsky. Why in foundry shop? The answer to this question can be found in our material .

Portraits of astronauts left already million circulations, the success was obvious – we were the first in space, and the state started creating a space mytheme. But it were original heroes who are necessary to each generation.

Guess in what distinction

the Collector paid our attention to a portrait of the astronaut of Nikolaev:

– Watch, two absolutely identical cards, with an identical circulation and even number of the order. But the signature on them different – on the second card appears a rank "Hero of the Soviet Union". There is no official document in this respect. But my personal version – flights were so dangerous that the result could be a miscellaneous. Therefore all cards with portraits prepared in duplicate. If flight was successful, the card with a portrait of the Hero Soviet Union was published if is not present, let out option without this high rank.

This card printed on Goznaka

If portraits of the astronauts who have again made flight, continued to be issued, cards with Day of astronautics gradually did not become. Space subject as separate, left, removed to a heading of cards with political holidays – on November 7, on May 1, on March 8.

focused attention on a space subject and in cards "With a holiday! ", which left the biggest circulations. In the 70-80th years space directly contacted a socialism victory in the USSR.

Soon cards with Day of astronautics did not become

of the Politician again on the first place

A here at Americans of a card of space subject is more likely desire to imprint the fact of the come true in centuries. There is no plakatnost, they are similar to frames of the photo report.

the American cards reportings from a place of an event

– These cards I bought

speaks. – Possibly, they were bought in States by our tourists and brought home. Pay the attention, the first American astronaut Glenn John, flying in space on February 20, 1962, here not in a smart uniform, and in a space suit. It is possible to consider hundreds curious details of its suit and a situation around. Any secret from this does not become. Here such different approach.

I there is an art American card as the fact of stay of astronauts on the Moon.

But in the USSR as it became clear, on cards printed even songs about space.

there were also fantastic plots. These are cards of the national artist Russian Federation Sokolov Andrey. His father was among designers of constructions Baikonur therefore the son became the art space director of the country.

there are some sets of cards with its works. They left till 1980. The first set of cards "The space imagination" Sokolov Andrey left in 1963. The introductory text to it was written by brothers Strugatsky. These are space imaginations because to represent original aircraft then it was forbidden. And here in 1980 in its works already there is a real equipment.

the Set of cards Sokolov Andrey are called 1980 "The world of 2000". Here already there are original aircraft and real reflection of occurring events: exit of the person in an outer space, night before start, at orbital intersections, joining. By the way, some of these works visited space, they were taken with themselves by astronauts.