How to mix everything, to receive an infernal hangover and a shame for the whole world

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Dmitry Svishchev
of the Photo: information agency "RIA Novosti"

the Five for a bar

Five gold medals, a sure first all-command place and the five for performance from the vice-president of federation Kuznetsov Pawel — are that results of performance of the Russian shtangist in the championship Europe in Split. This tournament became the first for the Russian national team after discharge by the international federation before 2016 Summer Olympics for numerous doping scandals. Against disqualifications our team appeared updated and, there is a wish to trust, pure. Four awards of the highest test brought women — the representative of the easiest weight Khlestkina Natalia,
Romanova Anastasia, won new category to 90 kg, Mstieva Diana and become already sevenfold champion of the continent the heavyweight Kashirina Tatyana. The only gold among men was brought by the native of Chechen Republic Maligov Adam in weight to 94 kg.

Biathlon without borders

the Biathlon season all the time says goodbye, but does not leave. It seemed, the World Cup came to the end, then passed the championship Russian Federation in Uvat and Tyumen, and came it is time to cover skis and rifles. However the real final took place only during the past week-end when to Tyumen the final stage of the Cup Russian Federation came to the end and medal events in the most extreme biathlon discipline were held. Purely Russian invention a biathlon marathon — is race with eight firing lines more than 30 km long (length of a distance in different years differs). If in track and field athletics analog the real race begins after the 30th kilometer, here after the sixth firing line. To run such wearisome distance moreover and during a heat at the end of a season in power not to many "collections", however a hantymansiyets Suchilov Semen not only came for start, but also won with advantage one and a half minutes.
to Run such wearisome distance moreover and during a heat at the end of a season in power not to many "collections", however a hantymansiyets Suchilov Semen not only came for start, but also won with advantage one and a half minutes.

the Hangover after "hell"

of Bicycle racers on Sunday too waited for blockquote the most severe test — the classical one-day race "Paris — Ruba" which designate the road to the hell, paved by cobble-stones, for 15 airtight sites of the route. The victory in it is appreciated a little less, than in the most prestigious marathon races. the 36-year-old Belgian Tom Bonen, one of two racers who have won this year four victories, endured a hell in the 14th and last time. He managed to take only the 13th place while the victory for the first time in career was celebrated by his compatriot van Avermat Greg. But then Bonen came off at a farewell party in honor of the end of career. "On Monday after "Roubaix" I will have a terrible hangover" — he honestly admitted the day before.

to Mix all and all to
In creation of the mixed go-ahead disciplines by the pioneer and the fashion-maker. After it other winter disciplines — luge, curling and figure skating went, but gradually tendencies obeyed both royal swimming and track and field athletics. The day before the committee on walking of IAAF declared that in the World Cup-2019 in Doha, and then and at Summer Olympic Games 2020 to Tokyo the mixed relay of walkers of 4kh5 km will be tested. Several years ago introduction of such discipline would guarantee Russian Federation right gold, but after doping scandals and cleaning a new medal, most likely, will fall in a moneybox to China.

Why to be dishonored at the Olympic Games with such game

Against historical success of our kerlingistka performance of men in the World Cup in Edmonton differently as a failure will not call. The Russian national team established too some kind of record, only with a minus sign, and lost all 11 matches. Now the team took off for group B, but chance to be qualified on the Olympic Games in South Korea still is. The president of Curling federation Russia Dmitry Svishchev called things by their proper names. "This worst performance for all history! When at us after the sixth enda men stop playing behind a clear advantage of the rival is, of course, a shame. If a trainer's staff and athletes do not explain that occurred in this situation, to go on the Olympic Games, to spend the state money and to be dishonored there is no sense.

Biathlon in masses in American

the American Dankli Syuzan to Russian Federation earned
by div many ill-wishers for sharp statements about our sports and a dope, however the professionalism and the relation to business it sets an example and to many Russian athletes. It would seem, after the most successful in career of a season and a medal of the World Cup it was possible to rest on laurels and to be sent on leave to Caribbean Islands, but the success for biathlon promotion tries to use Dankli Syuzan as much as possible. At first she made a speech at the national championship in Dzherikho and won there three gold medals, and then together with girlfriends on command carried out for one hundred little girls aged from 8 till 18 years the stock "Girls with Guns" where showed basic skills of possession of skis and a biathlon rifle. It is remarkable that the Olympic champion in biathlon as a part of USSR national team Algis Shalna who works hard years as the trainer to United States of America took part in action. the American Dankli Syuzan to Russian Federation earned
many ill-wishers for sharp statements about our sports and a dope, however the professionalism and the relation to business it sets an example and to many Russian athletes

the Champion among "absolute women"

of tests and redistribution of medals of long-term prescription following it sometimes turns into surrealism. Charges can concern the people who have already died, and medals from hands of the champions soiled with a dope can remove to hands of other dopingist. The prize-winner Igr in London in run on 800 meters Poistogova Catherina received the sentence most favorable to. According to the solution of Sports arbitral tribunal she was disqualified for two years on the basis of charges Julia Stepanova and Richard McLaren, but thus its discharge will end in the summer (and there, you look, and distressful Russian track and field athletics will rehabilitate), and the main thing a medal of Games remains at the sportswoman. Moreover, after disqualification Maria Farnosova to it the lawyer Poistogova Catherina Patsev Artem already can change bronze for silver and taking into account that the champion will declare not absolutely ordinary girl Custer Semenya, hastened to call the client the champion among "absolute women".