Andreychenko Vladimir will hold negotiations with the president and the prime minister Pakistan

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5 April, Minsk / BELTA/Correspondent. The chairman of the House of Representatives of National assembly of the Republic of Belarus Andreychenko Vladimir will visit with official visit Pakistan on April 10-12. Belarusian cable agency "Belta" reported to the correspondent about it in the press service of the House of Representatives.

planned meetings Andreychenko Vladimir with the president Pakistan Hussein Mamnun and the prime minister of this country Sharif Navaz.

Also the speaker of the House of Representatives will hold negotiations with the speaker of National Assembly of parliament Pakistan Sadik Sardar and the chairman of the senate Mian Rabbani's Rabbani Raza. The parties will sign a number of documents, including the cooperation agreement between the House of Representatives and National Assembly, the memorandum of understanding and cooperation between the Belarusian state agrarian technical university and Agrarian university of Faisalabad.

In the stay program - meetings with heads of the Ministry of Trade Pakistan, the Ministries of planning, development and reforms, the Ministries of water resources and power, the Ministry of national food security and researches. Besides, members of delegation will visit the National center for agricultural researches, will examine activity of a number of the Pakistan agricultural enterprises.

Besides parliamentarians the delegation structure from Belarus will include representatives of state bodies and a business community. Holding the first Belarusian-Pakistan agricultural forum in which will take part from 50 to 100 representatives of the Pakistan and 30 Belarusian companies is planned. At a forum the presentation of the Belarusian production is planned.