The five-year-old girl broke to death, having dropped out from the seventh floor to Smolensk region

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Smolensk. April 5. JSC "Interfaks-Centre" - To Smolensk region is carried out a pre-investigation inspection upon death of the child who has fallen from a window of the apartment, located on the seventh floor, Nina Vasilkova reported to information agency "Interfaks" on Wednesday the senior assistant administrator of investigative management of SKR on the region.

"on April 4 around 20:00 from a window of the apartment located on the 7th floor of the house on Moskovskaya Street in Vyazma to Smolensk region, the five-year-old girl dropped out. From traumatized the child died on the spot", - told Nina Vasilkova.

Previously it is established that the girl was at home with the father and elder sister. Having remained without supervision, it climbed on a window sill in the room and, having squeezed out a mosquito grid, dropped out of an open window.

"It already the second case of falling of the child the window since was left by cold weather", - the interlocutor of agency noted.