The inspector of the temple in Pakistan killed the 20 followers

@TV Tsentr
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B TV Pakistan the inspector of the temple killed the 20 followers, four more persons are in critical condition. According to police, parishioners beat bludgeons and knifes. Murders resulted from a ceremony of the clarification meaning corporal punishments which was practiced by the inspector.

the Inspector of the temple together with accomplices killed 20 followers to the Pakistan Province of Punjab. About it reported agency of information agency "Associated Press" with reference to local police.

of 20 people with chipped rezannymi and stupid wounds were found in the temple. Four more persons are in critical condition. Victims were naked. According to preliminary data, they were beaten by bludgeons and knifes during a so-called ceremony of clarification. As reported in Ministry justices of Islamic Republic Pakistan, the inspector had Abdul Vakhida regularly visited the temple where were exposed to tortures and beatings.