Higher education institutions Belarus and Turkmenistan will strengthen interaction in the scientific and technical sphere

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During signing
during signing

on March 30, Ashgabat / Matievsky Mikhail - BELTA/. Higher education institutions Belarus and Turkmenistan will strengthen interaction in the scientific and technical sphere. The Minister of Education reported Belarus Karpenko Igor, the correspondent of Belarusian cable agency "Belta" reports.

Contracts which are signed today between higher educational institutions of two states, provide not only training of the Turkmen students to Belarus, but interuniversity interaction in the scientific and technical sphere, professional development and retraining.

At present between higher education institutions of both countries signed 18 documents on cooperation. "I think, this cooperation will extend", - Karpenko Igor told.

Also Belarus suggests the Turkmen party to develop interaction in the field of vocational training." Here we can render assistance up to that to consider possibility of creation of joint educational institutions in the territory Turkmenistan", - the minister explained.

Today contracts on cooperation were signed by the Belarusian trade and economic university of consumer cooperation and the Turkmen state Institute of economics and management, the Brest state university of a name of A.S.Pushkin and the Turkmen state teacher training college of a name of S. Sadie, the Brest state technical university and the Turkmen state Institute of economics and management, the Brest state technical university and the State power institute Turkmenistan.

Between Polotsk state university and the International university of oil and gas signed the memorandum of cooperation. The Belarusian state technological university and Academy of Sciences Turkmenistan signed the cooperation agreement in area of scientific and technical and innovative activity, education and training.

Now about 9 thousand students from Turkmenistan receive to Belarus the higher education on various specialties, including medical, technical, technological, humanitarian and pedagogical.

Igor Karpenko
Last position: Chairman (Central commission Republics Belarus at elections and holding republican referenda)
Matievsky Mikhail
Main activity:Science and education
BRGU named after A. S. Pushkina
Main activity:Science and education
Main activity:Science and education
Main activity:Science and education