nizhnevartovsky children study traffic regulations in actual practice

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In Nizhnevartovsk employees of the State traffic inspectorate together with teachers carried out the stock "The Walking Bus" for pupils of kindergartens.

Before an exit to "routes" the staff of traffic police with children led discussions by rules of safe behavior on the road, reminded them duties of the pedestrian, the rule of crossing of the carriageway and paid special attention to importance of use of svetovozvrashchayushchy elements.

"Children left to the next roads where by means of teachers, could get acquainted with a road situation. After all to remember as it is necessary to work in this or that situation, it is necessary to come nearer as much as possible to real conditions, to see and consider possible mistakes", - the senior inspector of group of promotion of BDD OGIBDD UMVD told em Russian Federation on Nizhnevartovsk Dubaenko Nicholas .

during travel "the walking bus" did to p by

stops at which young participants of traffic put knowledge into practice. So, for example, they learned to cross the road on the unregulated crosswalk. Preschool children observed, than departures from the yards and as it is correct to pass such sites of the road are dangerous.

Dmitry Ozerskoy

Nicholas Dubaenko