Participants of large actions acquire the right of a free pass in Tallinn

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of Foto on illustratiivne Foto : Heiki Rebane

Tallinskaya the town council decided to provide the right of a free pass in city public transport to participants of large international actions during their carrying out.

So, participants of the Tallinn musical week free of charge will go from March 30 to April 2, the young fighters who are taking part in youth competitions of memory of the Territory of Palusalu and the subsequent sports center — from March 30 to April 8. From June 19 to June 21 participants of youth football tournament, and from September 21 to September 27 — the young scientists arriving to the European competition will be able to use this right.

next year from March 3 to March 11 there will go free of charge on to Tallinn participants of the World Cup in winter swimming.