Malta: the small country for big tourism
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consists of three small islands occupied by people. Malta – the largest of them, average in size Region of Gozo and absolutely tiny Komino on whom lives no more than two tens people. Also some uninhabited islands belong to the Maltese archipelago. According to a legend, on one of them – Saint Pavel's island – in the 70th year of our era after a whole gale and ship-wreck was thrown out the apostle Pavel.

Annually this small country receives about 1,5 million people visiting it with the most different purposes. The secret of its popularity among tourists is simple: despite the sizes, Malta offers the guests various types of tourism and rest.

Resort and recreational and informative tourism

On islands is a lot of equipped beaches, and in the cities a large number of night clubs with a free admission, restaurants and cafe with kitchen for every taste.

Malta – a cradle of ancient history and culture. The first settlers appeared on islands more than 6000 years ago; from them there were various stone constructions – one of the most ancient on a planet. Subsequently Malta became part of Phoenicia which inhabitants based here one of the most beautiful ancient cities – Municipality of Mdina, for long centuries become the main town of the Maltese archipelago.

Photo: Sascha Steinbach/Getty Images

Over time Malta was captured by Romans, then Byzantines, and later the Muslims who have left the trace in the Maltese language unusual and difficult for us – mixes of the Arabic language with Italian. In the Middle Ages Malta was in structure of the Spanish Empire. In the 16th century she was given to knights of an award Saint Ierusalimsky Ioann, world renowned under the name of the Maltese award. They founded the modern capital of Valletta. In two centuries the island was won by Napoleon, and then was a part of the British Empire. Only in 1964 the country, at last, found independence. Such difficult and many-sided history could not but be reflected in historical monuments and cultural traditions Malta of what guests of the archipelago can be convinced, having gone on the most interesting cultural and informative excursions.

Photo: Sascha Steinbach/Getty Images extremely fertile climate. There are no real winters, and the heat in summer months is not so notable thanks to the constant fresh sea breeze blowing the island from all directions. Practically all hotels on Malta all the year round provide improving and spa-procedures.

Educational tourism

the Second after Maltese the state language is English – the heritage which has remained from time of the British sovereignty. Maltese skillfully used the opened opportunity and everywhere organized a set of English language courses for foreigners whom attracts not only favorable climate, the sea and the sun, but also reasonable prices for education.

Photo: Joe Raedle/Getty Images since 2002 which was declared international year of ecotourism. That year the Maltese university got a grant on preservation of marine ecosystem of the archipelago. Subsequently the tourism ministry which began to invest money in development of special ecological programs was connected to this work.

Photo: Sascha Steinbach/Getty Images

Today the set of hotels and excursion bureaus have the what safety certificate. Ecological tourism Malta is presented by the following directions: what diving, rent of sailing vessels and hire of bicycles, participation in life of various farms and house farms, supervision over flora and region fauna.

How to reach

(with change) fly To Valletta practically all European airlines – SA Air France, Finnair, Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Iberia, Swiss, Alitalia, Austrian Airlines AG, Aeroflot, Turkish Airlines and others. Time in a way taking into account joining – of 6,5 o'clock. Air ticket cost there and back – from 20 thousand rubles. For visit Malta it is necessary to issue the Schengen visa.

Author: Ruchkin Vasilii
Ierusalimsky Ioann
Ruchkin Vasilii
Main activity:Transport
Maltiysky university
Main activity:Science and education
Air France
Main activity:Transport
Main activity:Transport
Austrian Airlines AG
Main activity:Transport