In Grozny joint meeting of boards of prosecutor's office the republics, MVD po CHR, UFSB and SU of SK Russian Federation on ChR took place

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Today, on March 28, in Prosecutor's office Chechen Republic under the chairmanship of the prosecutor of the republic Sharpuddi Abdoul-Kadyrov, the Minister of Internal Affairs on ChR Alkhanov Ruslan, the chief of UFSB Russia on ChR Khvostikov Igor and the acting as the head of SU of SK Russian Federation on ChR Sokolov Sergei took place joint meeting of boards at which questions of practice of public prosecutor's supervision and departmental controls behind performance of laws on the organization and implementation of search of the persons which have disappeared from criminal prosecution on affairs on crimes of terrorist and extremist napravlennosti.

Prokuror of the republic are discussed noted that in the expired year law enforcement agencies brought 221 criminal cases of terrorist character concerning 259 persons. As of the end of 2016, all was wanted 723 persons who have committed crimes of this category, including in the international - 518.<"20>" complaints regarding non-compliance with registration and registration discipline, long not establishment of the facts of the introduction of inhabitants of the republic in NVF, including in the territory of the foreign states, not announcements accused in the international search, and also not directions in NTsB of International Criminal Police Organization and bodies of prosecutor's offices the staticized data concerning persons involved Are stated to


Still allow cases of untimely initiation of criminal cases.

District police officers of police within implementation of preventive actions anticipatory measures for identification of the citizens inclined to commission of crimes of a terrkharakter, are not accepted. Thus subjects of counteraction to terrorism the relevant information does not go to bodies of right protection.

the Revealed violations were result of inefficient work of a number of prosecutors on places, and also absence appropriate departmental controls.

in summary presiding demanded

to strengthen supervision and departmental control behind registration and registration discipline, to exclude practice of unreasonable transfer on competence of materials of checks, to take measures to urgent initiation of criminal cases and the announcement accused in the international search.

Following the results of the taken place discussion made the joint decision which execution is taken under control.