At raychikhinsky school schoolgirls (video) fought

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At raychikhinsky school schoolgirls (video) fought

On Friday, March 24, in Raychikhinsk in the building of local school No. 15 fought two schoolgirls. The events were removed on video by other school students. The management of establishment promised to understand the incident.

B to fight in a school corridor two eighth-graders met. Apparently on shots, girls drag each other for hair, beat hands. Other children observe the conflict, but do not try to separate the fighting. Soon girls are separated by the employee of school.

the Deputy director of MOAU SECONDARY GENERAL EDUCATION SCHOOL NO. 15 Raychikhinsk Morozova Natalia confirmed with p Amur.Info news agency the fight fact. She told that the reasons of the conflict of the party still understand. to

As the news agency knew to p, the parties any more have no claims to each other. With girls led preventive discussions. On one of versions, fight is caused by rivalry – schoolgirls did not divide one boy. by

Earlier it was reported that in October, 2016 in Blagoveshchensk beat the schoolgirl of school No. 28. Schoolmates broke it a nose and kicked when that fell to the ground. On the victim performed in hospital operation. Militiamen were engaged in incident.
