In Republic of South Sudan the passenger plane crashed

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: Global Look Press

V Republic of South Sudan broke the passenger plane which belongs to small South Sudanese airline South Supreme Airlines, reports information portal "" . The tragedy occurred at the city airport Wau is an administrative center of the district of the same name and State of Western Bahr el Ghazal, the second-large city of the country.

of The Aviation Herald writes that An-26, i.e. the Soviet military transport plane developed in design office Antonov broke. It is thus noted that in park of South Sudanese airline there were two Fokker 50 As planes - Netherlands short-range passenger the plane. According to Airlive portal, the plane crash-landed: it sunbathed engines.

Information on victims the inconsistent. According to preliminary data, onboard the aircraft there were 44 persons, anybody from which did not survive, wrote Airlive. In Twitter to the local charitable organization CEPO South Sudan it is spoken about 44 victims and nine wounded.


of information agency "Reuters" with reference to the ambulanceman reports that victims are not present, but there are some wounded. In total 44 persons survived, and 17-18 people are taken to hospitals.

to BBC

with reference to the local official reported that the plane took off from Juba - the capitals Republic of South Sudan. According to TV company, onboard there were at least 30 people.

the Radio station in Juba Eye Radio Juba tells that nine people survived in accident and are sent to hospital. Later the same radio station reported about "several victims".

Several feared dead in Wau plane crash %23SouthSudan pic. Twitter to .com/pLYMzHZkTT
— Eye Radio Juba (@EyeRadioJuba)

As were reported on March 20, 2017 by the correspondent of Eye Radio, at the plane before falling the tail and when it failed on the earth smoked, the flame suddenly flashed. The director of hospital Wow Edmond Sebit specified that several wounded are given medical help, and confirmed a carrier nazaniye. the Minister of information Republic of South Sudan Gaudensio Bon declared p to

about 14 hospitalized victims, having added that they are taken to hospitals in a stable state, transfers

the South Sudanese newspaper The National Courier in Twitter published photos from a scene. On them it is visible that the plane strongly scorched and fire trucks extinguish its remains.

%23WAU : Tail Of Crashed South Supreme Airlines Plane. %23SouthSudan %23SSudan pic. Twitter. com/eA2mC6BEvU
— The National Courier (@Nation_Courier) on March 20, 2017

South Supreme Airlines

- the South Sudanese airline working since September, 2013 also serves flights on small distances. Since May, 2014 planes of this carrier three times a week make regular flights from Juba to Entebbe - the city in Central Uganda on the lake Victoria.

Source: information portal ""