United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland will allocate to Iraq 10 billion pounds for infrastructure development

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Memorandum signing with London for a period of 10 years already was confirmed by the head of the Ministry of Finance of Iraq for a period of 10 years already confirmed chapter Ministry Republic financeIraq, on March 5, Russian information agency "FederalPress". Government of Great Britain signed the memorandum of delivery to Iraq 10 billion pounds (a comment - more than 12 billion dollars) on creation of important infrastructure projects. About it reported on Sunday agency of information agency "Reuters" with reference to the official representative in Ministry Republic financeIraq.

the Iraq TV channel Al Sumaria reported that memorandum signing for a period of ten years with London Razak Abdel al-Iza confirmed chapter Ministry Republic financeIraq.

by data information agency "Reuters", Iraq will receive money in the form of loans and funds for contracts with the British firms in the sphere of infrastructure construction will be spent.

Other details of the transaction are not specified by p.