The business delegation of Mexico will visit Kazakhstan

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The business delegation of Mexico will visit Kazakhstan

on February 21-22, 2017. The ambassador Kazakhstan in Mexico Yelemesov Andrian visited Guadalajara (the city second for population in Mexico, with the population of 4,5 million people) staff State of Jalisco. Staff State of Jalisco is the leader among 32 Mexican states in agrarian sector from shares in 11,23% of production of gross domestic product of the country that in terms of money makes 115 billion 44 million peso (about 5,8 billion dollars of United States of America), RK Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports.

Within a trip Yelemesov Andrian held a meeting with the management of Agency on power of staff and discussed cooperation prospects in the energy sector, and also told about the forthcoming international specialized exhibition "EXPO-2017" in Astana. The ambassador also participated in a business forum "Kazakhstan.

Economic and trade prospects and opportunities", organized with assistance of the Ministry of rural development of staff State of Jalisco, and also held separate meetings with businessmen of Chamber "100 por México", the largest non-governmental organization of Mexico – association of female businessmen of staff State of Jalisco "Proyecta Mujer" uniting more than 1500 women – individual entrepreneurs, and an informal meeting with ten large businessmen of other staff Nuevo Leon, interested in cooperation with Kazakhstan. to

Result of last meetings. Main objective of trade mission will be not only search of expansion of a sales market of the Mexican products, but also studying of opportunities of the direction of the Kazakhstan products on the Mexican market, and also joint implementation of investment projects as in Kazakhstan, and in Mexico. Creation together with NPP Atameken of the Kazakhstan-Mexican chamber of commerce for advance of trade and economic cooperation between two countries becomes other purpose of mission.

Yelemesov Andrian also visited one of the largest private HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS of Mexico Autonomous university Guadalajara. On base universitta "the round table" and conference with participation of the management and students of university took place, and also participated in conference for students of Faculty of the international relations on the subject "Foreign and Domestic Policy of Kazakhstan".

the Ambassador told participants of conference about significant achievements Kazakhstan, priorities of foreign and domestic policy Kazakhstan, a new stage of political reforms in the country in the light of recent speech of the Head of state with the Address to the people Kazakhstan concerning redistribution of powers between power and Message branches "The third modernization Kazakhstan: global competitiveness".

Taking an opportunity, the ambassador transferred to library of university of the book of the President Nazarbaev N. "the Trajectory of Kazakhstan", "The chronicle of global dialogue", "World epicenter" in Spanish.

Andrian Kopmagambetovich Yelemesov
Last position: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Embassy Republics Kazakhstan in Republic Cuba)
Nazarbaev N.
Autonomny university