Deputies Germany, Italy, and Lyuksemburg called France

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of the Head of the Bundestag, National assembly of Republic France, the Italian Chamber of Deputies and the Chamber of Deputies Lyuksemburg Lammert Norbert, Bartolon Klod, Boldrini Laura and Mars di Bartolomeo urged to create on the basis of EU federation.

They published the open letter in which declared that it is time for countries of EU with reference to La Stampa.

the letter admits that such step "causes strong resistance", however heads of the lower houses of national parliaments declared that "inertness of some cannot become paralysis for all".

It is thus said that those countries which do not want to support now integration, will be able to join it later.

On March 17 heads of parliaments in Rome will celebrate anniversary of EU.

Four of six countries foundresses of EU declared that the 60 anniversary of signing of the Roman contracts which have laid the foundation of the union, comes in "the most critical" for the project the moment. They emphasized economic and migratory problems of EU, popularity growth "populist, nationalist and even xenophobic" forces because of mistrust of Europeans to the authorities. Remembered parliamentarians and Brexit.

In this situation they urge "to divide the sovereignty" in ecological, power, financial spheres, and also in questions of migration and counteraction to terrorism as in these areas, according to four countries, actions of the certain states are inefficient.

Germany, Italy, France and Lyuksemburg called EU not to allow "to paralyze itself to fear or the concerns connected with electoral cycles".

As business newspaper "Vzglyad" in spite of the fact that European right more and more gain strength , not less often requirements of centralization of EU sound .