Anti-monopolists forbid officials to impose the services "YAROBLEIRTS"

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Anti-monopolists forbid officials to impose the services

according to Administration office federal antimonopoly service on Yaroslavl region, a request for rendering assistance in the conclusion of contracts with "YAROBLEIRTS" contradicts the law.


In OFAS explain: in December, 2016 from e-mail DEPARTMENT HOUSING-AND-MUNICIPAL COMPLEX YAROSLAVL OBLAST to City administration Rybinsk the letter with the draft agreement on the organization of calculations for the housing-and-municipal services, subject to the conclusion about JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "YAROBL YEIRTS", and a request of assistance in the direction of this contract to all managing organizations working in Rybinsk was sent. It became clear during consideration of statements of management companies about violation from authorities.

law "About Protection of the Competition" forbids public authorities to carry out actions which bring or can lead to prevention, restriction, competition elimination.

as a result to housing and communal services department, power engineering specialists and regulations of tariffs sent the prevention and the requirement to withdraw such letters, and also to hold with officials of department "the organizational events directed on the termination of practice of direction of this sort of letters".

– According to part 8 of article 39.1 Federal law of the Russian Federation of 26 July 2006 No. 135-FZ "On the Protection of Competition" in case of prevention non-performance in due time in the presence of signs of violation of the legislation the antimonopoly authority makes the decision on initiation of proceedings. Thus I will note that at present information on the conclusion of contracts with "YAROBLEIRTS" in the territory of the city Rybinsk is not available, - the head of OFAS Shirkov Aleksey commented on a situation.