The 800-kilogram crocodile bit off a foot to the worker of a farm

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Gigantsky a crocodile attacked the employee of a crocodile farm to Malaysia when that touched it after feeding. As a result of attack the victim lost a foot.

Incident happened on a farm Sandakan on February 20. the 35-year-old worker of the farm who has just fed with hens of a 800-kilogram crocodile by nickname of Buyang of Pads, decided to stroke a reptile on a nose.

Animal which length equals to five and a half meters, it was not pleasant. The crocodile suddenly rushed on the man, having seized to it the right foot, reports Star .

the Incident were seen by one of the workers who were by some other a farm. It managed to pull out literally unfortunate of a reptile mouth. As a result the man completely lost a foot, and his right hand was spoiled. by

Earlier it was reported, what in Mexico the crocodile ate a puppy , trying to protect the owner from attack.