Employers give bigger preference to graduates of a magistracy

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For further successful employment to the expert need to continue training in a magistracy. The director general declared JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "RESEARCH AND PRODUCTION ENTERPRISE "ALMAZ" Bushuev Nicholas .

"On a modern labor market employers give preference to graduates of a magistracy more and are not ready to apprehend the bachelor as full-fledged expert with the higher education. Because training in a bachelor degree assumes only receiving the general knowledge and skills which already go deep on specialization of master programs. Therefore for further successful employment to the expert need to continue training in a magistracy.

It is an important second stage of two-level system of the higher education where besides profound specialization system, analytical competences develop. The graduate of a magistracy it is guaranteed will be able to find well paid work as it is ready to creation, development of the new scientific directions, to innovative activity, including, and on production.

I will Especially note em that the magistracy of the Saratov social and economic institute is most demanded by em among other higher education institutions as exactly here it is possible to get quality economic, financial and administrative education. Many staff of the Almaz enterprise successfully was trained in the House-keeper and by the right of steel effective experts, professionals from the capital letter, qualitatively prepared for practical activities.

it is important that m agistersky programs of institute are designed by em as for the university graduates having the bachelor's degree, and on wishing to replace a profile and even the preparation direction, to receive additional qualification of higher level. Besides, m agistersky programs of the House-keeper have the academic and applied focus, leading professors of institute, experts experts actively are involved in educational process.

it is undoubted, training in a magistracy is a not only real chance to get the best education, to become the highly qualified specialist, but also objective need for creation of successful career ", - the press service of SSEI REU of a name of Plekhanov quotes Bushuev Nicholas.

Bushuev Nicholas
Main activity:Operations with real estate, rent and other services