On Sakhalin region the new fish factory opened

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the Enterprise for reproduction of a Siberian salmon solemnly opened today in the village Roadside Nevelsky rayon. Initial design capacity of plant - to 30 million whitebaits a year. Russian information agency "Deyta.ru" reported about it in Government of Sakhalin region.

It is constructed by LLC "Kanif" with support of the government of the island region. The enterprise includes 72 incubatory boxing, nursery of 60 square meters and four ponds, everyone on 500 square meters. Now on an incubation already there are 22 million berries.

by words the vice-chairman Regionalnoye government Bystrov Igor, artificial reproduction salmon - very important direction in which the regional authorities in detail are engaged in the territory of the subject and without which today not to do. "Lovetsky" became the 46th plant operating in Sakhalin region of areas. It should be noted that it is constructed on the southwest coast Sakhalin region where approaches salmon are minimum in recent years.

Restoration of natural spawning areas and construction of new fish-breeding capacities will allow to restore and increase trade potential there is no time the richest trade area. In various stages from design before construction on this site projects of five more similar enterprises are realized. For reference use: the plant opened today is constructed on a place of the former meliorative systems, and the basic river rests against the cascade of falls. In fact, the enterprise restores the lost ecosystem.

- Only this way we can return former fishery and recreational value to these water areas, - Pak Vladimir emphasized taking part in the opening ceremony of the Mayor plant Nevelsky rayon added that "Lovetsky" - the area's first private fish breeding plant. It was constructed by businessmen – the nevelchena.

Now at the enterprise 15 people work. Among them - the main Rybovod Pogodin Victor who more than twenty years are engaged in cultivation salmon.

- our task – to recover the rivers of the West Sakhalin region and to fill them with fish. Every day, coming to work, I feel a huge sense of responsibility, after all safety and survival depends on me at first the berries put in incubators, then larvae, and later and whitebaits. Here it is impossible to yawn and work, carelessly, - Pogodin Victor shared.

at the end of May of this year the new plant to the Sakhalin rivers plans to let out not less than 21 million thresh Kets. Return of the first fish is expected in 2019.


: Government of Sakhalin region