In Poland to the place of death in 1945 of the general Chernyakhovsky Yvan Danilovich assigned flowers

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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B the Polish Pieniezno, by tradition, assigned flowers to a place of death of the general Chernyakhovsky Yvan Danilovich. In spite of the fact that two years ago the monument to it was dismantled according to the decision of local authorities, not only Russians, but also Poles come here in day of death of the hero. we Will remind div to

that on February 18, 1945 the 38-year-old commander of the 3rd Belarusian front Chernyakhovsky Yvan Danilovich was lost in the east Prussian town Melzak (nowadays - the Polish Pieniezno). He was the youngest general and the youngest Front commander in the history of the Soviet armed forces. The commander of the 3rd army as a part of the front the colonel general Gorbatov Alexander remembered:" As soon as "villis" the commander came to be on a fork, the only rupture of a shell was distributed. But it was fatal. The smoke and dust after a gap as I already was about the stopped car did not dissipate yet. In it five people sat: Front commander, his aide-de-camp, driver and two soldiers. The general sat near the driver, it was inclined to glass and several times repeated: "It is wounded fatally, I die". I knew that in three kilometers there is a medical battalion. In five minutes of the general doctors looked. It was still live and when recovered, repeated: "I die, I die". The wound from a splinter in a breast was really deadly. Soon he died. His body took away to Hainrikau's village. None of four were not wounded, the car was not damaged also."

Chernyakhovsky Yvan Danilovich and about 600 thousand more Soviet soldiers and officers were killed in battles with fascist invaders in the territory Poland. In the 70th years on the suburb Pieniezno on a place of death of the general the monument - a sculpture with a bas-relief was established. When in the last some years the Polish politicians to please to an environment started copying history and to represent soldiers liberators aggressors, this obelisk, as well as many other local monuments to the lost Soviet soldiers, became fine chance for some regional officials to become famous for the adherence to principles. In the forefront this movement there was a burgomaster Pieniezno Kazimezh Keydo who took the initiative to demolish a monument Chernyakhovsky Yvan Danilovich thanks to which in the former east Prussian town today speak in Polish. The question of demolishing a monument Chernyakhovsky Yvan Danilovich several times rose at meetings of city council Pieniezno, but in the atmosphere of normalization of the Polish-Russian relations it did not collect enough votes pro. And here at the end of January, 2014 the next attempt was crowned with success: the relations between two countries sharply worsened, and seven of thirteen members of council voted for monument dismantle. The question of demolition with the Russian side had to settle "Council for protection of memory of fight and a martyrdom", but as reported then the Polish Gazeta Wyborcza edition, the secretary of Council Kunert Andrzej signaled the city authorities that they can take down a monument. Without any consent Russian Federation, using that the Russian side cannot force Poland to observe the agreement signed by it, Poles began bas-relief dismantle on a place of the commander. we Will remind p to

that according to the intergovernmental agreement of 1994, Poland, as well as Russian Federation, undertook to address in such situations for a consent to the second party, but, in process of deterioration of the relations between two countries, interpretation by Poles of the text of the agreement everything was farther from the original. Twenty years later after signing of the bilateral document at the Polish politicians from the history "eyes opened", and now they declare that it concerned only graves, and the list of monuments certified by the Polish party attached to the agreement, do not wish to notice. And what for? Offered ruling in Poland Party "Pravo i Spravedlivost" amendments to the current law about a ban of promotion of communism or other totalitarian modes in names of buildings, objects and public facilities assume that action of the law will be extended and to monuments, and not only Soviet, but also to the Polish heroes not such and the old past. Together with gratitude monuments to the Soviet soldiers liberators monuments to the Polish military leader Berling Zigmunt, by ordering 1 army of Army Polish which as a part of 1 Belarusian front reached to Berlin will be demolished also. One of them already expects demolition in Warsaw, some more - in other cities.

according to local mass media, the bas-relief representing of Chernyakhovsky Yvan Danilovich becomes the first exhibit being created in Poland educational park of the Soviet monuments in Borne Sulinowo. In this reservation will bring all monuments to the Soviet soldiers which, according to the new legislation, it is necessary to dismantle in those cities of the country where hands of populists did not reach yet. Monuments to the Soviet soldiers will be in this "ghetto" under supervision of the corresponding experts who, according to the director of bureau of national education Zavistovsky Andrzej, will acquaint visitors "with history of these monuments and their true value of symbols of enslavement Poland after 1945". This initiative - very important and necessary, after all in Poland still is a lot of people who remember that in 1944-1945 the Soviet armies exempted their country from terrible fascist occupation who saw or heard from the parents, what happiness there was for them an introduction of soldiers of Red army to Poland. These people and their children by all means need to explain "true" value of monuments to the liberators, differently all efforts of the politicians so diligent copying history, can come to nothing.

Meanwhile, Pieniezno still remains a place of death of the general Chernyakhovsky Yvan Danilovich, and to Russian Federation it remember and after dismantle of a monument to Chernyakhovsky Yvan Danilovich. The ambassador in Poland Andreev Sergei said Russian Federation those to whom memory of liberators Europe from fascism is expensive again gathered: representatives of the Russian diplomatic mission headed by the ambassador, delegation from Kaliningrad region areas, representatives of the Polish veteran organizations.

Sergei Andreev
Last position: Plenipotentiary ambassador (Embassy of the Russian Federation in Republic of Poland)
Chernyakhovsky Yvan Danilovich
Gorbatov Alexander
Kunert Andrzej
Berling Zigmunt
"Law and Justice"
Political ideology:National conservatism, social conservatism, panjevropeizm, economic nationalism.
City council