Almazergienbank was visited by group of guests from Japan

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Group of young Japanese students businessmen visited Almazergienbank. Guests and representatives of bank discussed as already realized Sakha - Japanese projects, and that for the present only are planned, talked about prospects and strategy of development of cooperation Japan and Sakha (Yakutia) Republic.

Three active young men from the Country of a rising sun had strong a desire to visit Olonkho's earth, raised by means of a crowd funding money and were not afraid to arrive to Sakha (Yakutia) Republic during the winter period.

That them induced p to become interested in permafrost edge? On the page of the project on a crowd funding site of camp- fire . children write em to jp with em: " is surprising as people here inherit wisdom and traditions of the ancestors and live here, continue to live [despite severe climate] … They [people] faced here forces of nature and constructed modern society … Therefore we chose for a trip Sakha (Yakutia) Republic. We want to give charm of the republic and charm Russian Federation … that the people Russian Federation and Japan became interested the friend in the friend ".

Young people arrived to Sakha (Yakutia) Republic a few days ago by train from Khabarovsk. They already managed to visit the Cold pole well-known for the icy cold, the village of Oimyakon. Today they visited Almazergienbank, as one of leaders in dialogue development between the countries.

Almazergienbank in the direction of development Sakha - the Japanese relations conducts long ago active work. In March, 2016 Almazergienbank and Hokkaido Corporation signed the protocol of intentions. In July, 2016 the bank and corporation started the first stage of construction of a year-round hothouse complex which already came to the end. In September, 2016 the chairman of the board Nikolaeva Ludmila and the chairman of the board of directors of Hokkaido Bank Sekikhachi Yosikhiro's signed the cooperation agreement. And this year the second stage of construction of a hothouse complex will be started.

Guests were interested by the policy of Almazergienbank concerning support of . Kudryashov Klimenty noted that the most important in establishment of friendship between the countries is adjustment of those at civil level. Cooperation of medium-sized and small enterprises, in his opinion, becomes that a thread which will connect Japan and Russian Federation indissolubly. Among other things, in plans Kudryashov Klimenty — creation of recruitment agency which would attract the Russian shots for work to Japan and vice versa that would become for Russian Federation present "a window to Asia".