Vladimir Gorodetsky and Anatoly Chubais visited "Liotekh-Innovatsii"

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Gorodetsky and Chubais

Novosibirsk on February 16, Russian information agency "FederalPress". To Novosibirsk region with three-day visit there arrived delegation LLC "MANAGEMENT COMPANY "ROSNANO" and Fund of infrastructure and educational programs headed by the chairman of the board Anatoly Chubais. Today it and the governor Vladimir Gorodetsky visited a production site LLC "Liotekh-Innovatsii".

As were reported in to the press service by Administration government region, the delegation examined production of the enterprise and the production technology. At present at the enterprise work on expansion of a line of production is conducted.

"At present "Liotekh" works with p over perspective projects in power (systems of an operational direct current, network stores of energy), transport (re-equipment of shunting locomotives, public and commercial transport)", – noted in department.

Gorodetski Vladimir noted that "Liotekh" holds an advantageous position from the point of view of logistics and has the developed engineering and transport infrastructure. Upon completion of survey Vladimir Gorodetsky and Anatoly Chubais LLC "Liotekh-Innovatsii" took part in meeting on questions of strategy of development.

Reference of Russian information agency "FederalPress":

LLC "Liotekh-Innovatsii" lithium - ion accumulators makes lithium for electrotransport and power with use of the nanostructured cathodic material - iron-phosphate (LiFePO4). He allows to make products with the best characteristics.

the Sales market of the enterprise are network stores of energy, trolleybuses with a distant autonomous course, telecommunications, electrobuss. LLC "Liotekh-Innovatsii" are clients the state companies and large industrial and transport enterprises.

Anatoly Chubais
Last position: Member of Presidium (ARVE)
Vladimir Gorodetsky
Last position: Vice-chairman (Federal Council Committee on Federal Structure, Regional Politics, Local Government and Affairs of the North)
Gorodetski Vladimir
Fund infrastructure and educational programs
Main activity:Science and education
Administration government region
Government Agency