Mirzoev Shakhin: In Talyshstan becomes ripe the second Karabakh

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Shakhin Mirzoyev: In Talyshstan becomes ripe the second Karabakh

of Arminfo . Today Talyshstan endures that endured in due time Nagorno-Karabakh. It declared, speaking at expert meeting "Break of blockade Stepanakert. 25 years later", been granted with the family asylum to Armenia, the Azerbaijani journalist of a talyshsky origin Mirzoev Shakhin.

the associate professor of foreign regional studies and foreign policy of RGGU Markedonov Sergei the chairman of the constant commission of National Assembly of RA on external relations Zakaryan Artak, the deputy director of Institute of the Caucasus Minasyan Sergei, etc.

"Talysha in Azerbaidjan actually in information blockade, are severely punished. Desire talyshy to have television, radio, newspapers and textbooks in talyshsky language is regarded to Baku as separatism. Speaking about it, declare enemies of the people and put for "drug trafficking". I was given 7 days only for the requirement fixed in the Constitution Azerbaidjan", - he noted.

as a result of similar policy Baku Azerbaidjan in recent years left more than 300000 talyshy and today in Talyshe, by his estimates, becomes ripe the second Karabakh. Mirzoev Shakhin noted, as today in Azerbaidjan lives more than 2 million talyshy which cannot be destroyed.

"I do not consider that my arrival to Armenia was interfaced to risks. Return to Azerbaidjan would be risky. I arrived here freely, and, I think, was not mistaken, having escaped from death paws", - Mirzoev Shakhin summed up.

Mirzoev Shakhin
Zakaryan Artak
Higher education institution Kavkaza