In Saint Petersburg put Maugham's play about the wise woman

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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Somerset Maugham, British writer, classic of literature of the XX century, one of the most successful prose writers of the 1930th years, author of 78 books, agent of the British investigation.

the Most known novels - "Of Human Bondage", "The moon and a penny", "Theatre". It it wrote p to

:" I would not go at all to watch the plays, neither in evening of a premiere, nor in any other evening if did not consider it necessary to check their action on public that on it to study as them to write".

If "Theatre" and "Inaccessible" put at theater and cinema often, "Faithful wife" for some reason avoid. Written in 1926, at Maugham it is the comedy. About men and women. About a love triangle and a family in a condition of disintegration. The writer - the expert on female soul, female characters, and "Faithful wife" - as if the encyclopedia under the name "Men and Women", a well of clever thoughts, bright, instructive aphorisms. And often we repeat that all of us know.

- Men by the nature are vicious.

They not always say to i that think.

- Men foolish love i.

- Fidelity for men - an empty phrase.

- the Clever woman always trusts i to the husband.

the Leading role is given by i to Geller  Anna. TV viewers know it according to fantastic series "Other", movies "Ivanov", "Key of the Salamander". In "Faithful wife" Geller  Anna plays the strong, clever woman.

"John and I am lucky. We had an ideal marriage", - speaks to Constance. They with John the most close friends, behind 15 years of matrimonial life.

- I fell in love at once with the Constance, to me it is nice, - Geller  Anna told.- I admit that having looked at our performance, the translator of the play Veber Victor was enraptured!

our theater loves this genre. Now in general there are no "pure" genres. Boringly to put simply comedy to me, for example. Life consists of day and night. The director has the right for treatment of a material, can reduce repetitions, verboseness, to clean ponderousness. I saw depth in the play. I cannot call comedy a situation when your husband makes love to other woman. It after all is very sick. I put performance about it. Trust - the most important in the relations.

Journalists wrote that Spivak Semen showed a master class - as it is necessary to keep a family. Actually, I wanted to show that in life there are difficult situations. The first kiss differs, figuratively speaking from the 100-th, and this test for both - men and women. We prolonged life of characters, having shown them in old age. Maugham does not have this final.

In performance are occupied Stashin Youri (John), Kuznetsov Andrey (Constance's former groom), Grigoryeva Tatyana (mother Constance), Shubareva Julia (Mari-Louise, the girlfriend Constance), Nechaev Roman (Mari-Louise's deceived husband) and other actors of theater, and also students of RGISI (Spivak Semen).
