One more person involved "Akhmetova" put is released

@Radio Azattyk
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In a court hall where case against the former minister Serik Akhmetov is considered. Karaganda, on September 4, 2015.

In a court hall where case against the former minister Akhmetov Serik is considered. Karagandy, on September 4, 2015.

the Employee of the Kazagrofinance company 32-year-old Kisykov Yerlan, condemned on charge of corruption within so-called business Akhmetov Serik, is released. The court replaced to it today punishment in the form of imprisonment with a penalty of more than 190 thousand tenges (more than 580 dollars).

the Judge Minochkina Svetlana decided to release p the condemned Kisykov Yerlan immediately. Thus the Karaganda regional court satisfied the petition Kisykov Yerlan, serving sentence in AK-159/1 institution to Karaganda Region. Kisykov Yerlan asked court to replace to it unexpired part of punishment with softer type of punishment. This request the assistant prosecutor supported Karaganda Region Abdakasov, having brought a protest on the resolution of Kazybekbiysky district court which in December refused the condemned Kisykov Yerlan satisfaction of its petition for replacement of unexpired part of punishment. According to the prosecutor, condemned completely indemnified the caused material loss, extinguished a legal cost, it is characterized by establishment administration positively. The representative of the dissatisfied party - the Kazagrofinance company confirmed absence to the condemned Kisykov Yerlan any material claims, and also asked court to satisfy the petition of the condemned.

- It served 2/3 sentences, that is, it is more than a half of term. Now we will go to meet Kisykov Yerlan, - Bartenev Alexander, Kisykov Yerlan told Azattyk's reporter.

the Employee of the Kazagrofinance company Kisykov Yerlan in December, 2015 was sentenced by p to three years of prison on charge of corruption within "Akhmetova put" on which the former prime minister was brought to trial Kazakhstan Akhmetov Serik and the former high-ranking officials Karaganda Region. The appellate court softened Kisykov Yerlan a sentence, having appointed it two years of imprisonment without property confiscation. After that Kisykov Yerlan submitted the petition for replacement of unexpired part of punishment with softer type of punishment twice.

Some persons involved "Akhmetova", generally from among the former top officials put Karaganda Region, were released conditional ahead of schedule or received term reduction on amnesty. Karagandy Smagulov Meyram, the former Akim Karaganda Region Abdishev Baurzhan , Akim's former deputy of the city Karagandy Telgarin Aydar, the former director of the company "Metallurgy metal working" Esse Anatoly, the former deputy director Orazala Aymenbetov's "Metallurgy metal working" are released from custody the former Akim. To Akhmetov Serik, to the former prime minister and the former Minister of Defence sentenced to eight years of imprisonment, on amnesty reduced term by one year and seven months.

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