In Krylatskoye passed the Continental cup of FIS on cross-country skiing

@Vechernjaja Moskva
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Participants competed in individual sprint by free style.

Participants competed in individual sprint free stilem.

Foto: Official site government Moscow, among men - the athlete from Tyumen region appeared

Among women of the first. On Sunday, February 12, in the territory of the Rowing channel in Krylatskoye the Continental cup of FIS on cross-country skiing came to the end with div with

. Participants competed in individual sprint by free style.

Davydenkova Maria from Moscow region became the first among women. Behind it Nechaevskaya Anna, the sportswoman from Republic of Tatarstan came. The third place was taken by Ilyina Natalia from Moscow region.

the Leader among men. The second position was taken by Feller Andrey from Krasnodar territory, and a third - Fayzullov Ildar from Republic of Tatarstan.

Six years ago Moscow for the first time accepted the Continental cup on cross-country skiing in Park of a name of Gorky. After that the management of FIS decided to hold the official World Cup stage in Moscow in the next season reports Official site government Moscow .