Music: Tragic destiny of the performer "Lambada": from the world glory to awful death

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Loalva Braz | Photo:

Loalva Braz | Photo:

In the early nineties was difficult to call hit more popular in the world, than "Lambad's" . The well-known clip where couple of charming 10-year-old dancers dashingly danced incendiary dance, broke all records of viewings. Then the soloist of Kaoma group Loalva Braz became famous for B for the whole world. And recently about it again wrote in all newspapers. Unfortunately, this time the occasion was tragic: the Brazilian singer killed.

the Singer who has executed legendary * Lambada * | by the Photo:
Music Loalva Braz was fond of div since the childhood. She was born in a family of musicians, her father was a conductor, and mother – the pianist. Therefore in 4 years Loalva was able to play a piano, and in 13 years started singing. She acted in night clubs of Rio de Janeiro where it was noticed by known Brazilian actors of Veins to Zhilbert and Caetano Veloso who have invited the girl to participate in joint records. In 1985 Loalva Braz moved to Paris where with success acted with the show "Brésil en Fête".

Charismatic Brazilian singer | Photo:

Charismatic Brazilian singer | Photo:

Loalva Braz and group * Kaoma * | Photo:

Loalva Braz and group * Kaoma * | Photo:

In 1989 Loalva became the soloist of Kaoma group, and the same year they wrote down the song "Lambada" and shot the clip which soon became one of the most popular around the world. His prime minister took place on air of one of the French TV channels, and already next day this song was known by all Europe, and in a week "Kaoma" went to United States of America where signed million contracts with several American companies. "Lambad's" single dispersed in number of 25 million copies. To Japan till 1992 this dance forbade, but then the lambadomaniya seized also this country. "Lambada" was incredibly popular in the USSR, the translation of a lyrics published in the Pionerskaya Pravda newspaper, and dance studied at schools. Lambadu danced even the Hare from "Wait a moment! ".

the Singer who forced the whole world to dance lambadu | the Photo: and

After "Lambada's" exit inflamed scandal: Kaoma group accused of plagiarism. As it appeared, the song was a cover on composition of the Brazilian singer Marcia Ferreira "Chorando se foi" executed by it in 1986th, which in turn was the Portuguese-language version of the ballad "Llorando se fue" of the Bolivian group "Los Kjarkas". This group filed a lawsuit against "Kaoma" and won process. They had to pay a penalty.

Loalva Braz on a scene | the Photo:

the Dance "Lambada" arose on the basis of dance karimbo, and also dances forro and matchish (the last at the beginning of the XX century was forbidden for obscenity). And the word "lambada" means "a passionate kiss". Though there is also the second value – "stick blow", and this variant of translation indicates communication with dance karimbo which is executed under a drumbeat. The word "lambada" originally was the name of a rhythmical dance music. And dance appeared later, allegedly, for the first time it was executed in the Brazilian city by Porto Seguro.

Charismatic Brazilian singer | Photo:

Charismatic Brazilian singer | Photo:

the Singer who has executed legendary * Lambada * | by the Photo: information portal "Obozrevatel" and

as a part of Kaoma group Loalva Braz let out three albums, later as much again she wrote down as the solo performer (the last left them in 2011) . She sang in the Portuguese, Spanish, French and English languages. In total on its account more than 80 gold and platinum disks. But the most popular song in its execution and there was "Lambada". Until recently the singer continued to go on tour, and also was engaged in hotel business.

the Singer who forced the whole world to dance lambadu | the Photo:

Loalva Braz on a scene | the Photo: information portal "Obozrevatel"

all mass media were flown on January 19, 2017 by shocking news that Loalva Braz was found by the dead. Her body found in the charred car parked on the suburb of the city of Sakuarem. As it became clear during the investigation, the singer killed in attempt of a robbery of the hotel which hostess she was. Criminals did not plan to kill the woman, but she showed resistance. It beat sticks, seated in the car and took away far away from a crime scene. And then burned the car together with the singer locked inside.

Loalva Braz | Photo: and

Loalva Braz | Photo: and

Loalva Braz on a scene | the Photo:
Criminals were detained by div, it became clear that one of them was earlier the employee of hotel of Loalva Braz, but him dismissed. On one of police versions, he committed murder from revenge. According to other version, the profit was the only motive – at the singer stole about 4,5 thousand dollars, china and that platinum disk which the singer received in 1989 for "Labmada's" execution. At the time of death the actress was 63 years old.

Loalva Braz | Photo:

Loalva Braz | Photo:

This country presented to the world not only lambadu. Capoeira: Brazilian fighting dance