Whether NATO is ready to war? – The National Interest

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can give the chance This year of NATO "to show teeth" Russian Federation

For the years which have passed from the end of cold war, alliance of NATO lost ability to carry out large-scale doctrines because of what its fighting capacity decreased. Current situation needs to be overcome, writes Bro Elizabeth in article for The National Interest.

the Author notes that at the time of cold war the alliance of NATO carried out the constant doctrines including tens of thousands of the military personnel which were thrown in the shortest terms to places of potential collision. It was not only demonstration, according to the deputy head of the Pentagon in Ayan Bzhezinski's Bush Jr. administration, but also was guaranteed that "wheels will not rust".

Opposite, today movement of armies of NATO have quite modest character. Doctrines began to be carried out less often, and part in them is taken by armies of the sizes of crew — on five thousand military personnel in everyone. How large doctrines began to be carried out not so often, command began to forget as to carry out them. They, besides, often have the equipment for this purpose. If at the time of cold war the West German railroads had thousands of cars for transportation of the armies, now it not so.

Also concern causes the speed with which armies move ahead during doctrines. You should not forget, the author, and that became more difficult to expect a place of potential collision emphasizes.

Command of NATO at the time of cold war knew p not only, what way to reach and where, they also possessed detailed information on specifics of each bridge, iron and the highway, airfields and seaports in the territory of the countries of alliance. Commanders could receive without effort this information from carefully made catalogs in which all infrastructure necessary for military was specified. Now such catalogs are not present.

Moreover, the new countries of NATO which still use the infrastructure constructed at communism, never made catalogs. By estimates of some military, the infrastructure available for them should be modernized at some point.

From the summit of NATO, passed in 2014 in Wales, the alliance began to collect again information from member countries whereas officials note some progress in creation of a set of catalogs. However still there is a problem of return to those indicators which were at the time of cold war.

For example, made recently important progress in one more area. Process of crossing by armies of members of NATO borders of each other was simplified. If earlier automatic permission to it was not given, now this barrier is overcome.


At everything thus, are emphasized by the author, NATO still decisively cedes in speed Russian Federation which develops tens of thousands of military personnel within several days. On the party Moscow advantage of possession large bases near three member countries of NATO: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. In return, the most prepared and numerous divisions of alliance are in Western Europe where United States of America still support considerable military presence.

in this question a key role decision-making speed from outside also plays NATO. After the end of cold war of power of making decisions on doctrines of NATO passed from military command to civil North Atlantic council which works distinctly not with military efficiency.


As were declared by Bzhezinski, the situation changes, but whether it changes quickly enough? This question, the author considers, carries not idle, but the extremely important character against the plan Russian Federation carrying out doctrines and her military modernization which includes the new potential of prohibition of access in Baltiysk the region. These systems slow down advance of the opponent by means of missile systems and air defense. Therefore granting big powers in carrying out doctrines considerably will increase efficiency of alliance.

However what number of the military personnel of NATO together with tanks and other equipment has to move across Europe that "not to allow wheels to rust". In short-term prospect transition from doctrines with participation of five thousand military personnel to regular, including to fifty thousand military personnel, will be almost impossible. And Russian Federation, experts note, will apprehend them, as escalation.

the Author concludes p nevertheless that this year excellent opportunity for NATO "can be presented to show teeth and speed" as in September Moscow will carry out the next doctrines West. Last year in them took part to 120 thousand people, on what the author suggests to answer with the same large maneuvers.