"I somehow joked, and Superboul" thought up then. The billionaire who has made the American soccer the great

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Money killed sports? Mad contracts, parties with senhoritas, personal helicopters to fly behind bread, friends who listen spellbound to athletes because they pay for them at restaurants. Yes, it is quite vile.

Money helps sports? The comfortable locker rooms, convenient places in planes for two-meter basketball players, normal restoration, instead of the drunk doctor pounding a hip after torn crosses. Yes, it is a strong bonus.

Money expresses to p love to sports? Almost never. Business people seldom show emotions – even when the team at last wins an important title, they clap business partner in fat palms and try not to overturn a dinner from expensive restaurant on ahead sitting audience.

On a planet there is only one person who made sports better by means of money. His name is Hunt Lamar. He was born with a silver spoon in a mouth: the father was the richest person to United States of America the 40th, was on friendly terms with the president Johnson and became a prototype of the main character in cult series "Dallas" . Hunt Lamar even was born in a fantastic place – the town in State of Texas was called as El Dorado.

He well studied at school, gained the diploma of the geologist at university, but always wanted to be the cool athlete. At school Hunt Lamar played soccer, and in college turned into the American soccer, but trainers everywhere gave it in the field garbage time when the match was made. The son of the billionaire did not long that did not let out it in important games – on the contrary, naturally lit up when spoke about sports. "Why kvoterbekam allow to become on one knee and to play for time at the end of a match? – <=> any interlocutor under an elbow Hunt Lamar sufficed to "http://www.kansascity.com/sports/nfl/kansas-city-chiefs/article120651518.html" a href . – In one other look such is not present! In basketball there is time counter, in baseball the pitcher throws a ball on base, in soccer it is necessary to get to gate, and only in the American soccer it is possible to kill with impunity time".

When the rich successor matured, NFL club was his first logical desire. The league was the second for popularity in States after MLB, but bosses did not want to oversaturate the market expansion to other cities. After several refusals from the commission agent of NFL Hunt Lamar collected the company from 11 billionaires fans of the American soccer, called itself "Club of fools" and created the American football league. Media quickly switched over to fresh competition: ABC offered the fat telecontract, also NBC was tightened a bit later. Writing journalists noticed how dashingly AFL was quit with the competitor – about 75% of players from a draft of NFL chose contracts in new league and refused dream of the main trophy of the American soccer.

the Old organization too saw the rival gathering a course and took the step – based the franchize "Dallas Kovboys" when all in State of Texas were fan from "Dallas Teksans", to the belonging Hunt Lamar. The businessman shrugged shoulders and easily transported command for one thousand kilometers to the north. "Kansas City Chifs" won two more champion's titles and made profit for happy Hunt Lamar. Fight against an inequality was his main merit. Scouts of "Chifs" went to colleges where prevailed black – once soccer was considered as sports of the white. After a victory of "Kansas" in the final other clubs as took in a roaster of the black. "Hunt Lamar always spoke: "Not very well, what you skin colors, is important only what you do in the field", – the player of those "Chifs" remembered Gonsales Tony. – These words became the most important in his life. Became that opened to people of an eye".

B the 1966th bosses of NFL came to bow to the Texas businessman and offered a match between champions of two leagues. Negotiations went hardly, owners of clubs did not agree even upon the name. Men from old superiority offered the boring: "Game of champions of AFL-NFL" or "A match for a title of the world champion". "Somehow time I joked on one of such meetings, – with laughter were told by Hunt Lamar. – Also told: "no, it is not games play-off, and about that. Well, know, Superboul". My daughter Shannon just pottered with Super Ball, such poprygunchik. And I simply played on phonetic similarity".

B of the 1972nd Hunt Lamar entered into the Hall of glory of professional soccer – the first person from other league, awarded such honor. "At creation of AFL Hunt Lamar made for changes in NFL more, than any other almost for half a century. Without it there would be no Superboul and the term", – considers as CEO "Dzhets" Woody Johnson. to


After reforms in amfute to Hunt Lamar it became boring for p. He tried to buy prison Alkatras to establish there a memorial to the space Apolo program (it was before disembarkation of Americans to the Moon) and to break thematic park of the Victorian era, but owners of the island disagreed on the proposal of the rich man. Therefore Hunt Lamar switched over to soccer.

during a trip to Ireland 30-year-old Hunt Lamar got on any match "Shemrok Rovers" and met there future wife. In the 66th businessman saw on the TV the WC final to England. "It did not watch football of 3,5 years, but studied up and down all messages on tournament in the American newspapers, – makes up uneasiness

the Magnate right there founded Dallas Tornado club, and in a year united two strange football leagues in NASL. Hunt Lamar carried "Dallas" on the European tour still before the team played the first house match. NFL resisted to such dispersion of the important person for amfuta, the commission agent pushed a ban of possession of two clubs, but the businessman easily carried the case, and in six years brought to United States of America Eysebiu and Pelé. Hunt Lamar named the first prize NASL «sokkerboul", but after "Tornado" sale in the 1981st league collapsed, and Hunt Lamar switched over to MLS.

Lamar Hunt

It punched tennis in States, owned the stocks "Chicago Bulls", opened purely football stadium first for 50 years to United States of America, got to halls of glory of three different types of sports and received some cups of a name of in top leagues. Hunt Lamar lived till 74 years, saw 13 grandsons and made sports better. It put to love of all life not so much the money, how many itself(himself) – ability to agree with people, constantly to move forward, to do not stand still and develop. "He wanted that people loved sports the same as it, – were told in the farewell speech by Norma Hunt Lamar, that girl with whom Hunt Lamar got acquainted on a match of "Rovers". – My husband so passionately worried about all athletes and wanted that the others tested the same".

After death of the businessman opened one history. In its firm the worker was lost – broke on the motorcycle. It meant nothing in company activity, but a week later to the house of the widow of this employee knocked. Hunt Lamar stretched to the crying woman a check-book with the signature of the owner on each leaf. The message inside said : "Please, do not use these pieces of paper to pay small bills. Use them for this purpose that it is really necessary for you".

Woody Johnson
Last position: Ambassador (Embassy United States of America America in United Kingdom Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
Hunt Lamar
Gonsales Tony
Main activity:Science and education