The national actor Russian Federation Taratorkin Georgy died

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Taratorkin Georgy Photo : wikimedia

V to Moscow the national actor Russian Federation Taratorkin Georgy died. Sad news was reported by State budget cultural institution Moscow "Theater named after Mossoveta".

the Outstanding actor died on the 73rd year of life. Taratorkin Georgy was the secretary of the Union of theatrical figures Russian Federation and the president of Gold Mask association.

"State budget cultural institution Moscow "Theater named after Mossoveta" with a deep regret reports that on February 4, 2017 after a long illness the national actor Russian Federation Taratorkin Georgy " died — quotes the message information portal "Gazeta.Ru" .

"National news" add that for years of the career the actor played in tens performances and acted more than in 30 movies. Roles in such movies as a "Crime and punishment ", "Purely English murder", "Not terribly to die" and "Rich man poor" .

Lazarev Eugenie
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