From where is the earth Lithuanian went: the deputy of diet slightly opened Pandora's box

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the Lithuanian deputy Linas Balsis agreed to give

to a film crew of VGTRK of interview, but disappeared into thin air. Calls does not answer. Really feels sorry about told ? Time expired Kaliningrad or to EU. To give the former Polish name — Kralyauchyus. For this purpose it is necessary to cancel post-war agreements on borders. Potsdam, Helsinki. To make it — means to open Pandora's box.


"let's tell, Russian Federation agrees that Kaliningrad leaves. But together with it then leaves and Klaipeda. Because if I am not mistaken, in 1938 Lithuania it is oath promised that Klaipeda belongs Germany for ever. If it occurs, I do not think that Poland" will not become interested in the Vilnius edge — Bilans Karlis, the deputy head of "Lithuanian Popular Socialist Front" party speaks.

of Border Europe till 1945 were remade by p regularly. To Vilnius territorial claims can have at least three states. After all before revolution the Vilensky edge was part of the Russian Empire. Also there lived here, generally Belarusians. During World War I it was occupied by Germans, then — Poles.

the Well-known theater on Pogulyanka. In 1922 the Vilensky diet here gathered for meeting — parliament of the puppet state Median Lithuania. Poland was the puppeteer. And, naturally, inclusion Srediny Lithuania in structure Poland became the first decision of diet. The state disappeared, appeared — the Vilensky voivodeship. And only 17 years later Vilnius and its vicinities were is transferred to Lithuanians by anybody other, and Stalin Joseph.

Under the contract on mutual aid Soviet Union gave to Lithuania Vilno and Vilensky area. Then the city was seized by fascists, but the Red army beat off it in the 1944th at the cost of tens of thousands lives. Lithuanians found again the capital. Since then, thanks to the USSR, invaders as it is accepted to speak here today, Lithuania only grew lands.

"With what the territory Lithuania began p? You will see these shorts small such on the card Lithuanian the Soviet Socialist Republic. Also will see how she grew up thanks to the companion Stalin Joseph. Because it increased the territory by a third. And here and so gave, gave. Thought — children good, archaic Slavs. After all we have general roots" — Ivanov Valery, the master of history (Lithuania) explains.

Lithuania departed and adjoining Klaipeda the delta of Neman, and huge part of Curonian Spit. That is, if seriously to consider a question of the status Kaliningrad why - Lithuania not to say goodbye to Klaipeda, in German — Memel, and southwest territories for which preservation as a part of Lithuania Soviet Union in the 41st year paid Germany 7,5 million dollars. , however, already declared Ministry foreign affairs of Republic Lithuania at the Baltic state are not present.

the Deputy Prime Minister of Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin about it joked: "Thank God, and that we already got a fright".

to Kstaty Linas Balsis — not the first Lithuanian politician who has threatened on the Russian territories. Laurinas Kashchyunas, too the deputy of diet, forwarded more than once thought of rejection Kaliningrad in favor of Germany. This is that Kashchyunas who found not so long ago threat in the Russian animated film "Masha and Bear", having called it the confidential weapon of the Kremlin.