On January 26 in the New museum exhibition complex Jerusalem the results the I Regional creative competitions "Right word" were summed up

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Awards ceremony of winners competitions "Right word"

Main objectives competitions: encouragement of journalists for the best consecration in mass media Moscow region spiritual and moral subjects, preservation of orthodox traditions and public drawing attention to questions of restoration of the torn-down shrines. About 100 journalists took part in only competition p Moscow region.


the Organizer competitions, passing within the past year, the Union of journalists Moscow region acted with support of the Moscow diocese.

competitions participated In an awards ceremony of winners the head of administration Istra district Andrey Dunaev Chernyshova N. A..

Within action there passed a round table "The word of the journalist about belief" in which journalists and representatives of clergy took part. Performance of chorus of the New Jerusalem monastery became end of a ceremony.

Source: Department of publishing and communications with mass media of the Moscow diocese

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Andrey Dunaev
Last position: Head of administration of the Istrinsky municipal area (Administration of the municipal district Istrinsk of the Moscow region)
Chernyshova N. A.
Galushko Pawel