Moscow an art exhibition will open in "The house on Brest" on February 1

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Exhibition "Cultural structure of the city. Coryphaeuses and masters of the Moscow school of painting of the XX-XXI centuries", devoted to sign places of the capital, will open in "The house on Brest" on February 1, the press service reports Department of Town-Planning Policy of the city of Moscow.

"on February 1, 2017 at 15:00 in "The house on Brest" the ceremonial opening of exhibitions "A cultural structure of the city will take place. Coryphaeuses and masters of the Moscow school of painting of the XX-XXI centuries". On an exposition it will be possible to estimate a look of professionals on sign for Moscow city spaces: "Early snow in Kuskovo", "The Moscow loaf", "Arkhangelsky Lane", "A view of Smolenskaya Square", "Old Moscow", "Tsaritsyno", "Assumption Cathedral", - it is spoken in the message.


It is specified that this exposition - the first joint project Publicly funded national institution "Mosstroyinform" and POO "MSKH". Main objective of the project is demonstration of artistic images of the capital through works of the well-known and beginning artists. Exhibition "Cultural structure of the city. Coryphaeuses and masters of the Moscow school of painting of the XX-XXI centuries" will open a number of actions which will take place in "The house on Brest" in 2017 where the main emphasis is placed on the 870 anniversary Moscow.

For comfortable perception of pictures visitors and bigger immersion in a subject, exhibition will consist of two parts. The first - the retrospective section: works of painting of masters of the Moscow school of painting. The second - works of modern leading masters of the picturesque art working in traditions of the Moscow school of painting. More than 100 works will be presented to expositions, among which works from a creative heritage of national artists Russian Federation Bragovsky Edouard and Sorokin Yvan, the honored artist Russian Federation Surovtsev Andrey and some other masters, and also documentary photos and video materials about life and creativity of artists. Exhibition will take place on three floors "Houses on Brest". Exhibition will be available to visitors from February 1 to February 14 (except days off and holidays) from 10:00 till 20:00.