Three times removed grandfather Buffon Lorenzo: "Offered Gianluigi to "Milan", but in team in it did not believe"
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"Gianluigi – the best goalkeeper of the world today and my relative. I brought him in " Milan " when worked there with a scout, but they refused to take it in club academy. Also I brought into "Milan" Gianluca Pessotto at the age of 13 years, but his mother was against transition and in team in it did not believe", – quotes Buffon Lorenzo La Gazzetta dello Sport .

  • Buffon Lorenzo – too the goalkeeper. He played for "Milan" from 1949 to 1959 and played for club of 275 matches.
  • Buffon Lorenzo Sr. five times won the championship Italy.
  • After completion of career the grandfather became a scout of "Milan".
Джанлука Пессотто
Last position: Organizational manager of the youth sector (FC Juventus)
Buffon Lorenzo