Than to be engaged during week-end: ballet classics, Baltic design and robots

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Than to be engaged during week-end: ballet classics, Baltic design and robots
of Foto: AFP/Scanpix
If you yet did not make plans for a weekend, glance in our poster of the day off.

Scientific show for children "Permafrost"

Than to be engaged during week-end: ballet classics, Baltic design and robots
of Foto: Shutterstock

on January 28 on a scene of the Riga Maly theater scientific theater "Permafrost" will stage fascinating show about physics and chemistry. Professor Vladislav and professor Martinsh will show the coldest experiments with freezing substances, having lowered temperature below a record limit Antarctica – a minus of 89 degrees.


At 11 o'clock representation will show in Russian, in 13 – on Latvian.

the ticket Price - 7 euros

the Doll performance "Obnimashki Mishki"

In the Latvian puppet theater the little audience waits on January 28 for p a meeting with heroes of the performance "Obnimashki Mishki" according to the book of the known children's writer Melling David about a bear cub Douglas which looks for that, real obnimashka. Can happen that you will embrace not that, and the obnimashka leaves false and unfriendly. And such it is necessary to avoid. It is impossible to embrace whom got! But how to find that, the real obnimashka? Performance is intended to the little audience – children from 2-year age.

At 11 o'clock performance will take place in the Latvian language, in 14 – in Russian.

the ticket Price - 10 euros

Family day in the nature Museum

Than to be engaged during week-end: ballet classics, Baltic design and robots
of Foto: Privātais arhMvs

on January 28 from 11 to 16 o'clock will pass div in the Museum of the nature Family day. This time action will be devoted to an eel proclaimed an animal of year. Children and parents learn a lot of interesting about these surprising beings who on a way of a growing overcome hundreds thousands kilometers of water space.

the ticket Price - 0,90-1,80 euros

the Mobile exhibition "Ball of Robots"

Since January 21 in rooms of Elkor Plaza works as p a robotics exhibition with participation of 20 robots created in 12 countries of the world." The ball of robots" is the unique project allowing people to meet robots different to destination, carrying out both practical, and purely entertaining functions. Visitors will be able to see the robot from a tree in the form of a bird's cage, Michelangelo's robot will show ability to draw landscapes on paper, a tree and glass, and Sotsirobot will show ability to express emotions.

the ticket Price - 8-15 euros

the Literary concert Shenderovich Victor

Than to be engaged during week-end: ballet classics, Baltic design and robots
of Foto: Itar-Tass/Scanpix

in the House of the congresses will take place on January 28 a concert of the Russian publicist, the writer, radio - and the TV host Shenderovich Victor. The concert consists of two offices. In the first the short ironical prose and dramatic art will be presented, in the second Shenderovich Victor will submit the book "Raisin from a Roll" - the collection of stories, sad and ridiculous, paradoxical and ironical, autobiographical and others, slyshanny the author from contemporaries.

the ticket Price - 9-37,50 euros

the Performance "Hedgehog in Fog"

in the House Moscow can see on January 29 the theatrical performance "Hedgehog in Fog" with participation of the well-known Latvian actors of Martinsh Vilsons, Kalninsh Ivar and Litsitis Arnis. In performance there are a lot of songs, and actors accompany themselves. If for Kalninsh Ivar, not bad owning a guitar and percussion, it is not new, Litsitis Arnis and to Martinsh Vilsons were necessary to seize various horns, pipes and other tools. The musical performance in which witty dialogues are organically combined with bright, melodious songs, is designed for the audience of all age.

the ticket Price - 6,30-12 euros

the Concert Michelle Legran

Than to be engaged during week-end: ballet classics, Baltic design and robots
of Foto: Publicitātes foto

in Big guild within anniversary round will act on January 29 as div the world famous French composer Michelle Legran. In addition, the maestro is known as the author of soundtracks to more than 200 movies, including such, as "Sherburgsky umbrellas" and "Thomas Kraun's Swindle". In the program of a concert will sound both new, and well-known melodies from movies in jazz variations.

the ticket Price - 30-100 euros

performance "Tag" Translation

within the Theatrical Moscow festival will take place on January 28 p in the House Moscow). Two elderly and very lonely women, two sisters to Giza and Erzhbet. Two different destinies, two tragic stories. Many years ago Erzhbet remained to Hungary while senior to Giza preferred to build new life to safe Germany. But elder sister did not find there neither love, nor happiness and did not escape from loneliness. The younger sister, Erzhbet, never loses courage. Moreover, it constantly conducts dangerous game with destiny, as though proving that any person is able to refuse prudent and measured life. Erzhbet never despairs and to elder sister gives advice to wake up from "hibernation". In leading roles: Sharko Zenaida, Makarova Ludmila, Komarova Irina, Bedova Tatyana and others.

the ticket Price - 7 euros

the Opera "Immured"

in the Latvian national opera can see on January 28 the opera "Immured". It is a modern Latvian parable how at library construction the pregnant girl was immured in its base, "the victim without which it is impossible to create anything rather great". The opera was written by the Latvian composer Eric Eshenvalds and the poetess Ines Zander.

the ticket Price - 5-30 euros

the orchestra Sinfonietta RMga Concert

in Big guild will take place on January 28 an orchestra Sinfonietta RMga concert. In the program: Per Henrik Nurdgren (Rock Score for 19 string instruments of op. 100) Motsart Volfgang Amadey (A concert for a piano with an orchestra of La a major To. 488) to Onute Narbutayta (to Was there a butterfly? ) and Motsart Volfgang Amadey (Simfoniya Re a major To. 385 - "Haffner-simfoniya").

the ticket Price - 7-30 euros

the Ballet "Nutcracker"

Than to be engaged during week-end: ballet classics, Baltic design and robots
of Foto: Publicitātes foto

on January 29 in the Latvian national opera – the Christmas fairy tale on Tchaikovsky's music the "Nutcracker", one of the most popular ballets of the world.

the ticket Price - 2,50-35 euros

the Improvisation Exhibition

C in the museum the Riga center yugendstilya can see January 24 an exposition of works from porcelain of artists of Zheniya Loginova and Anatoly Ivanovich Borodkin, and also a series of the pictures devoted to Albert Street where the museum is located. Among the presented exhibits — the works created by artists during the different periods of creativity, but all of them are connected with the yugendstily.

the ticket Price - 3,50 euros, to school students, students and pensioners – 2,50 euros, the ticket with the audioguide – 7 euros

the Exhibition of design of Roundabout Baltic

C in the Museum of decorative art and design will be open on January 25 for strong the Roundabout Baltic exhibition at which it is possible to see works of modern designers of the countries of the region of the Baltic Sea. As organizers speak, the exhibition does not display a situation in the design sphere, but speaks about outlook which unites designers from countries very differing from each other.

the ticket Price - 2-7 euros

Victor Shenderovich
Last position: Prose writer, poet, screenwriter, TV host, radio host, publicist, columnist
Tatyana Bedova
Last position: Actress (BIG Drama Theatre named after G. A. Tovstonogova)