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on January 25, in the Tatiana Day, at FGAOU FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "SEVERO-VOSTOCHNY FEDERAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER M. K. AMMOSOVA" NORTHEAST FEDERAL UNIVERSITY SVFU celebrated the best students and university graduates. The subject of the come year was traditionally declared: the 2017th year at federal university is declared Year Ammosov Maxime.

the Vice rector of SVFU Savvinov Vasilii noted that the Tatiana Day meets university of a name of Maxim Ammosov pleasant events – on January 23 solemnly opened the new educational and laboratory case of Mirninsky polytechnical institute. Ahead the students of higher education institution wait building of two large objects – hostels on 500 places and SVFU Medical institute cases.

2017 for youth Sakha (Yakutia) Republic is marked by two important events – Year of youth and 50-year anniversary of movement of student's groups to Sakha (Yakutia) Republic. The minister of affairs of youth and family policy Vladimirov Afanasy: "Be ready to the large actions, new projects and ideas".

the First Deputy Minister of Education and Science Prisyazhny Mikhail emphasized that the Tatiana Day unites all who was young and studied in higher education institutions and Susa. "I hope that students of SVFU including those who arrived to study to Yakutsk from other regions Russian Federation and foreign countries, are ready to become highly qualified specialists and will make the contribution to development of our region. Let the favourite university develop together with you" , – Prisyazhny Mikhail summed up.

this day handed over the signs "The Best Graduate — Pride of University". The award is handed over annually to the graduates of the Yakut state university who made great progress in the professional field and have made a contribution to development of the higher education. to

Owners of a medal the First Deputy Minister of Economics Danilova Maia, the vice-chairman.

" We continue to be on friendly terms with our native university and in adult life. It means that the higher education institution is always open to communication with graduates. In 2016 we did huge work on drawing up Strategy of development of Sakha (Yakutia) Republic till 2030. This document – your future. It with what many will connect the professional activity" , – the graduate of financial and economic institute of 1991 Danilova Maia addressed to students.

the Most numerous public organization Sakha (Yakutia) Republic – the student's labor union of federal university, intends to start new projects in a year of youth. For example, in 2017 graduates and students of different years will receive the memorable book about stories of development of student's self-government in higher education institution. The People's Deputy State Assembly (Il Tumen) of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, the chairman of the trade-union organization of students of SVFU Susoev Alexander noted importance of the student's period in human life. "In the republic about 50 thousand students that makes about 20% from all number of youth Sakha (Yakutia) Republic get today an education. I am sure that this stage of life will bring the first achievements which will put a way to your profession" .

names of scholars of Republican investment company, Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia" and Almazergienbank Became known.

the Nominal grant of Republican investment company supports the sixth year the best students of economic and engineering specialties of university. The grant of a name of the first director general of RIK Fedotova Alexandra of 50 thousand rubles is handed over to students of financial and economic institute Kolesova Tamara and Sanaaye Mestnikovoy. the Grant of a name of the second director general of RIK, the honourable builder Russian Federation Yefimov Victor were received by future engineers Varlamova Nina and Gogoleva Julia.

Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia" presented to SVFU library a complete collection of editions from 170 author's books of the company. The presented literature contains scientific and modern editions about leadership, creation of team and work with clients. "Library of Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia" – a unique collection of collections from leading authors of the world. Books contain practical works of successful people which are possible for applying in our life. We hope that books will find the reader, and will help students to expand baggage of knowledge" , – the managing director of the Yakut office of Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia" told Zezyulin Aleksey . The head of bank handed over company grants to the best students of the SVFU Financial and economic institute.

the Grant on training passing in Almazergienbank and the monetary award of 10 thousand rubles was got by students economists who showed the best results during work practice in the company.

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Afanasy Semenovich Vladimirov
Main activity:Official
Lyubov Letuchikh
Last position: Chairman of justices (Supreme Court of the Sakha Republic)
Aleksey Zezyulin
Last position: Managing director of the Yakut office No. 8603 (Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia")
Maia Danilov
Ammosov Maxime