Leaving Abramyan Ovik from RPA is caused by unwillingness to share responsibility for the events to Armenia exclusively from altruistic motives

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Ovik Abramyan

of Arminfo . Will not share responsibility for the subsequent actions Republican Party of Armenia from altruistic motives Abramyan Ovik. It first of all caused its leaving ruling party. Arminfo's similar opinion was expressed by the deputy director of Institute of the Caucasus Minasyan Sergei.

of Ex-premieres Armenia, the member of council of RPA Abramyan Ovik already confirmed information on the exit from RPA, having caused it intention to go in for active policy. In more detail about the decision Abramyan Ovik promised to tell in the near future.

"I do not think that its recent meeting with the Russian prime minister Dmitry Medvedev had any interrelation with this decision. In my opinion, leaving Abramyan Ovik is rather caused by proceeding rebranding of RPA. And its rather odious today the figure with which among all other April and July events are connected, is represented continuation of this logical chain", - the political scientist noted.

By estimates Minasyan Sergei, all these realities are perfectly realized by Abramyan Ovik leaving of one of the prominent members Abramyan Ovik does not make comments on p. Arminfo's all attempts to phone at least to one of members of council of RPA with the purpose to receive the comment concerning the decision Abramyan Ovik were not crowned with success. Republicans or do not answer calls, or switch-off phones.


Before Arminfo with reference to sources in RPA already reported that Abramyan Ovik submitted the statement for an exit from RPA after a meeting in Moscow with chapter of Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. Sources of agency in RPA claim what exactly Dmitry Medvedev advised Abramyan Ovik to leave party after the ex-prime minister complained that in native RPA of its position fairly reeled. At a meeting the Russian prime minister advised Abramyan Ovik at the upcoming elections to participate according to the Gagik Tsarukyan block list.

On return to Armenia Abramyan Ovik met some prominent republicans, trying to persuade them to leave together RPA and to adjoin the block Tsarukyan Gagik. Than negotiations came to the end, it was not succeeded to find out, however, Abramyan Ovik met Tsarukyan Gagik for the purpose of discussion of a question of the participation in the block Tsarukyan Gagik. However, Tsarukyan Gagik unexpectedly refused to Abramyan Ovik in the block "it will not be correctly apprehended by electorate".

Dmitry Medvedev
Last position: Vice-chairman (Security Council of the Russian Federation)
Gagik Kolyaevich Tsarukyan
Last position: Party leader (PAP)
Abramyan Ovik
Political ideology:National conservatism.
Higher education institution Kavkaza