The minister of education Georgia wanted to get rid of the Soviet technique of training of children

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the Minister of education Georgia Dzhedzhelava Alexander declared

need of eradication for the Georgian schools of the Soviet technique of training which "was based on manuals", the correspondent of business newspaper "Vzglyad" to Tbilisi.

"In textbooks at that time it was directly said that is true, and that is incorrect. It contradicts development of critical thinking", - he told in interview to the Tbilisi magazine "Gza" ("Way").

It complained to div that some teachers still are guided by "textbooks of twenty-year prescription, and life goes forward".

By words Dzhedzhelava Alexandra, "sometimes in textbooks are given such examples which modern children do not understand".

"Some textbooks already sputtered out over time. Mendeleyev's table changes each three months. In geography textbooks wrote earlier where there is an oil and where coal but after that many fields are settled, and are open new", - the minister told.

"Such system which will provide submission of actual information" is necessary to us, - he declared.

Earlier Dzhedzhelava Alexander declared that modern Georgian and foreign fairy tales do not influence positively training of children "The Georgian fairy tales do not correspond to present system of values of the XXI century", – he spoke.

"We should not be in it dogmatic persons, – he considers. – For example, some parents so tell children "Little Red Riding Hood" that there was less violence. It needs to be supported".

"Also it is not pleasant to me, for example, when the Georgian children will take seat at the computer and watch the fairy tale "Masha and Bear". Let's be surprised then, if at someone the friendly relation to Russian Federation? After all that the child receives at this age, seriously influences further all his life and thinking", – Dzhedzhelava Alexander noted.