INFORMATION MESSAGE for users of the auditor services rendered by members of Auditor chamber Russian Federation

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Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation informs the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation that on January 9, 2017 data about SRO APR, NP "IPAR" and CPO NP "RKA" are excluded from the state register of the self-regulating organizations of auditors.

In connection with the specified decision pay attention of users of the auditor services rendered by members of specified non-profit organizations, to the following.

It agrees to to the federal law "About auditor activity" audit organization - the commercial organization which is the member of one of the self-regulating organizations of auditors; the auditor - the natural person who is receiving the qualification certificate of the auditor and being the member of one of the self-regulating organizations of auditors. Proceeding from the called Federal law auditor activity, i.e. activities for carrying out audit and rendering the services accompanying audit, having the right to carry out only audit organizations, individual auditors and to participate in implementation of such activity - only auditors.

According to the federal law "About auditor activity" within 60 working days from the date of, an exception of data following behind day about the self-regulating organization of auditors from the state register of the self-regulating organizations of auditors (i.e. from January 10 to April 6, 2017. inclusive), audit organizations, the auditors who being members of this self-regulating organization and have not entered in members of other self-regulating organization of auditors, carry out auditor activity in the order established by Federal law of the Russian Federation of 30 December 2008 No. 307-FZ "On Auditing", thus audit organizations and individual auditors have no right to sign contracts of rendering auditor services. After the specified term (i.e. since April 7, 2017) data on audit organizations, the auditors who have not entered in members of other self-regulating organization of auditors, are excluded by authorized federal body (Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation) from a control copy of the register of auditors and audit organizations of the self-regulating organizations of auditors.

Press service Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

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